Are you okay Pt. 2

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CHAPTER 14--rileys pov

I thought about what I had just done. I had flipped out on my best friend. I stormed out of the museum. Everyone was there. I'm definitely not gonna here the end of this, I thought. After I flipped out, I ran without really paying attention to where I was going. Now I had absolutely no clue where I was or how to get back. I pulled out my communicator and tried to call Tyler. No answer. I tried about four more times and still no answer. I tried to call Chase, Koda, and Shelbie after that. None of them answered. It was when I called Ashley that I realized why. The connection from where I was standing was cut off from the city. Someone had planned this entire thing.

As if on cue, leaves started rustling and twigs started snapping from behind me. I quickly spun around but no one was there. It must be my imagination, I thought. I turned to start walking again, half expecting someone to be there. No one. Okay so it really was just my imagination. I convinced myself if this...until the leaves started rustling and the twigs started snapping again. This time I didn't even get the chance to turn around before my vision began darkening until everything was completely black. I am definitely NOT okay.
A/N.....duh duh duhhh

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