The battle

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CHAPTER 19--rileys pov

        Antonio and I were separated from the rest of the group and honestly it wasn't as awkward as I thought it'd be. I mean yeah it was quiet, but it wasn't an awkward quiet. It got colder by the minute and, by the way it seemed, it was only going to get colder. I rubbed my arms and tried to warm myself up; it didn't work. Antonio looked over and out of nowhere asked, "How're you holdin' up, Riley?" The question caught me by surprise. "Oh, umm yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Antonio didn't seem to believe me. "You sure? It's okay if you're not doing well-," He realized how it sounded and regretted saying as soon as the words came out of his mouth. "I mean it's not okay if you're not doing well, but if you need to talk about anything, you can talk to me." I decided telling him about the cold would help our situation. "It's just that, when I was captured the temperature was freezing, kind of like this. I just don't think that this is a coinsidence."

jayden pov

        "Come on. It can't be much longer 'til we find something," Mike said, slightly annoyed. It's been about 7 minutes since we separated down the different paths and we still haven't seen any sign of a monster or a nighlok. "Well something set off the alarm," Kevin said. Real reassuring Kevin...nice job. "I just hope the others are having more luck than this."

mia pov

        "Come on Emily, there's gotta be something around here somewhere." Emily and I have been walking on the path we were assigned for nearly 10 minutes and still haven't found any sign if attacks. There was no broken twigs, foot prints, noises. There wasn't anything. The only thing out of order was the fact that it's freezing. Maybe the others are having better luck.
A/N back and from this point forward i will update at least once basically every day!!! KEEP CALM AND KEEP READING MY STORY!!!

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