Shelbie is angry

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CHAPTER 6--ashley pov

It was the day after Riley had woken up and I had just finished talking to Mrs. Morgan about a job here at the museum. She said that I would be a waitress in the food court with Tyler, Riley, and Shelbie. Tyler hung out with Riley and I yesterday so I got to know him pretty well. Chase and Koda talk to me sometimes when we see each other in the hallways. But for some reason Shelbie still hasn't really talked to me. I wonder if she doesn't like me, I thought. I decided to push the idea out of my head as I walked to the food court to start my first day on the job. "Hey 'lil red." Riley said when he saw me. Him and Tyler gave me the name " 'lil red" yesterday day because of my hair. A word about it--I hate it. It goes down to my shoulers and is board straight. It's so thick that it can sometimes be hard to brush. Its auburn color makes my freckles and silvery-blue eyes stand out.

"My name isn't 'lil red, ya know." I said to Riley. He just smiled. I still can't get over how beautiful he is. His smile just seems to make my whole day better. I then noticed Shelbie giving me something of an evil glare and a death stare. Apparently Tyler noticed to because he told me to come to the back so he could teach me how to give and recieve orders from the kitchen.

About 15 minutes later I walked back out to the front counter. The only person at the counter was Shelbie. "Where's Riley?" I asked. Shelbie hardly looked up at me when she replied. "He went on his break. Why do you wanna know?" These words seemed to be filled with hatred as she spoke them. "I was just wondering where he went. Do you have any idea where he might be?" I asked her, almost insulted that she was being so rude. "Yeah, I know where he is. But I'm not gonna tell you." And with that, she walked away.
A/N omg i made shelbie seem so horrible in this chapter...oops....anyways im trying something new.....COMMENT.AND VOTE SOMETHING TO.GET AN.ENTIRE.CHAPTER DEDICATED TO YOU...please and thanks ~skyler


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