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CHAPTER 7--ashley pov

About 20 minutes later, Riley got back from his break. Shelbie decided that since Riley was back, she would go on her break. When she disappeared out of sight, I decided to talk to Riley about a few things that I've been thinking about. " there anything...ya know...going on between you and Shelbie?" As I spoke I seemed to get more and more self conscious and more and more of what his answer might be. "No, Shelbie and I are only friends. Is there any reason why you're asking?" This is your chance. Ask him out, I thought. "No reason. Just wondering." Stupid me, I just blew my chance. "Oh, ok. Hey do you wanna maybe go see a movie later or just ya know hang out?"

The question took me completely by surprise. This is it. Just say yes. Now us your chance to go on a date with the guy you like. JUST SAY YES! "Ya, sure. I'd love to see a movie with you." I answered with a smile. I also noticed that when I said yes, his entire body seemed to relax. It was like a 2 ton (4000 lbs) weight was lifted off his shoulders.
A/N omg rileyyyyyyy

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