The battle Pt. 2

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CHAPTER 20--antonio pov
        "Well come on. Of course this is a coincidence. Maybe it was cold because of the weather," I said. "It's the middle of summer, Antonio." Wow. This guy can really be exasperating sometimes. But he does have a point. It's the middle of summer, so there's no possible way that it's cold because of the weather. But I can't cause Riley too much stress or else he might hurt himself again, I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of metal clashing. It was coming from somewhere off in the distance. "Riley, please tell me you hear that too."  "You mean the clanging metal? Yeah, I hear it."  "Okay good, as long as I'm not crazy. Follow up question: what is that sound?"  "Well obviously it's metal being banged together."  "Yeah Riley, I've established that. But where is it coming from?"  "That way," he said as he pointed north.
        "So should we follow it?"  "I don't know, Antonio. Do we follow the noise that could possibly be the death of us both or do we stand here where it's safe?" Sarcastic much? Before I had the chance to say anything, a loud, raspy voice sounded from behind us. "What I would like to know is what makes you think that 'here' is safe?" Riley and I both spun around to see a monster standing by a tree. I heard Riley gasp next to me. "Such a strange thing that I'd run into you, green ranger."
        "You know this guy Riley?"  "This is the monster that kidnapped me." He looked down as if ashamed to admit that he was captured. "Oh. Well we're gonna make him regret doing that to you."  "Ha! As if! Now if you'll excuse me, sir, Riley and I have some cacthing up to do." With this he lunged out from his spot by the tree and tossed me aside. He instantly advanced on Riley. Riley pulled out his morpher, but the monster hit it out of his hand. The monster grabbed Riley's wrist, lifted him up, and threw him back down on the ground. I tried to get up, but it was no use. I've gotta help Riley.
        Before I had the chance to think anything else the monster was blasted away. It staggered backwards and fell. Jayden and the others appeared. "That's enough of that, monster!"  "Why do you all fight to protect this no good ranger?!" The monster asked while pointing to Riley, who was lying on the ground with his arm clutched around his stomache. "One of these days, green ranger, you won't have these people to protect you. And when that day comes, I'll be waiting." And with that, he walked away.
A/N ok so heres for not updating in a while but ive had so much HOMEWORK and CLUBS lately its hard to.find room to update...keep.reading

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