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CHAPTER 15--rileys pov

My eyes fluttered open slowly. I looked around the room. I had no clue where I was or how I got there. I was tied down to a chair. Even though I knew it was pointless I tried to pull on the rope. No luck. I sat there looking around the room for about 5 minutes before I realized that I was freezing. It must be -10 degrees in here, I thought. I tried to wrap my arms around me but since they were tied behind the back of the chair, I couldn't exactly do that. I was sitting in the chair shivering when someone opened the door behind me, only making it colder in the room.

"Well, well, look who's awake." The voice sounded familiar for some reason. The thing that the voice belonged to walked around the side if the chair, his sword in front of him like at any second he would turn and hit me with it. I looked at him with complete confusion while I was trying to figure out why this voice was so familiar. Where have I seen this guy before? As if he was reading my mind, he turned towards me and said, "You don't recognize me? Why don't you think back a few weeks and then tell me that you don't know who I am." I looked closer at him when it hit me. The day I met Ashley. This is the monster that knocked me out that day. This can't be good. "You're that monster from downtown a few weeks ago." I don't think he appreciated the fact that I called him a monter--even though thats what he is--beings as he tensed when I said it. "Yes. I am the monster from downtown. And you're the ranger that ruined my plans for the girl. That's right. That girl you call your friend is a part of this world. This reality." Was he talking about Shelbie? "Ashley is human, yes. But she's not only human. She's half-human and half-monster. She's one of the strongest beings in the universe and once we convince her to come to our side you'll have no chance of saving this planet." Ashley's! I don't believe this! Why wouldn't she tell me? Does she even know? If he does tell her, she wouldn't help the monsters, would she? she can't. She won't.
"Ashley isn't half-monster. If she was she would've told me. I know Ashley--" The monster interrupted before I could finish. "Know her? You don't know her. I've never truly met her and I know more about her than you. And by staying with you she's only being put in more danger." With this he spun around and stuck his sword in the chair. If he would've stuck anywhere near a millimeter closer, it would've hit my head/face. "Look, I honestly don't know if Ashley is half-monster or not, but even if she is she would never help you or any of the monsters." I tried to sound intimidating. Tried to sound braver than I felt inside. It didn't work at all. "Trust me, she'll join us. Once the one boy she cares about most is destroyed she won't have any other reason not to. So since she'll join us if you're gone, let's begin the fun."

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