Riley, wake up

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CHAPTER 3--ashleys pov

"Hey, monster. Heads up." Riley yelled as he reached a distance of about 15 feet from the monster. Riley please be careful, I thought. What happened next was completely unbelievable. "It's morphin' time! Power Ranger...GREEN!" Within seconds he had changed from his jeans and green shirt into....the green dino charge power ranger? I don't believe this, I thought.

"Another power ranger?! No matter! I'll destroy you then the rest of your color crew," the monster said. With this, the monster advanced on Riley, their swords clanging as they intersected. Wow, he's GREAT with a sword. I didn't mean to stare, but I just couldn't help it. Riley was perfect. (EXPLOSION NOISE) I snapped out of my thoughts to see Riley seemingly flying through the air. He hit the wall where the corner I was hiding behind was. Without thinking, I jumped out from behind the edge of the building and ran to Riley. "Please be ok. Please." I said as I shook his shoulder. He wasn't waking up.

I turned around just in time to see the monster walking toward me and Riley. The monster reached us and rose his sword to attack. Just as the monster was bringing his sword down on Riley and I, (CLANG) a sword blocked the hit. "Oh forget this, I'll come back when there's no little girl to get in the way of my chances of victory," he said and then, just like that, he was gone.
A/N that monsters a bitch......


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