Anger Pt. 2

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CHAPTER 12--rileys pov

I was nearly at the railroads when I heard it. The loudest exposion that you could possibly imagine. Seeing and hearing this made me run faster than I thought physically possible. They are going to regret what they did. I am going to make them regret it, I thought repeatedly as I raced passed the trees. I finally reached the railroad and I froze. What I saw was mortifying. The entire railroad station was in ruins. The worst part about it was I couldn't see anyone. I couldn't see Chase or Koda. I couldn't see Shelbie or Tyler. And I couldn't see Ashley anywhere.

The only thing that I could bring myself to do was yell. Yell and call out their names. Why? Was I expecting a reply? They were gone, just like my mom and brother. The monster destroyed them, and I really was left with nothing. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a laugh. Normally this wouldn't have caught my attention, but this laugh wasn't normal. It seemed almost... monstrous.

I followed the sound of the retched laughter. I was determined to find it. I just had a feeling like this was the monster that destroyed my ranch. I followed the noise to an old building. I decided that the best thing to do was to enter secretly, simply because I had a feeling like something big was going on inside.

Tylers pov

We were all locked in a cage in an old building when the monster returned from where ever it went. "Now that that's over, we can get down to more important business," the monster said. I hardly even noticed the sound of the door opening a few halls away. I looked around. Chase, Koda, and Shelbie heard it too. I glanced at the monster, who didn't seem to notice the noise. Ashley noticed us all looking around, but she seemed confused at why. Before any of us had the chance to tell her, sonething burst through the door.

I was in such shock that I didn't even realized who it was until Ashley yelled his name. Haha, I knew Riley wouldn't leave us out in the dust like that, I thought. It Riley, but it wasn't Riley. I shot a worried glance towards the others and mouthed the words he seems mad. It obviously had something to do with why he left, but what could make him this mad? I was jerked out of my thoughts to see Riley make one final hit to the monster, who then fell down to the ground. Riley had defeated him on his own.

Rileys pov

I had just destroyed the monster that had demolished my ranch. I let my sword fall out of my hands as I fell to my knees. I placed my head in my hands when I noticed that there was more people in the room. I looked up and saw Tyler, Shelbie, Koda, Chase, and Ashley all looking at me with curious and worried eyes. I got up and let them out of the cage they were in. As much as I didn't want to, I explained to them what happened at the ranch and why I just ran out of the hideout. They all just nodded as if they understood what I was going through. They'll never understand, I think to myself as we walk away from the building. Away from the ruins of the railroad station. Away from the seemingly never-ending woods. Away from the demolition that uses to be my ranch. I'll find you, I promised my mom and brother silently.
A/N so sorry that i havent updated...ive had writers block...but either way, i would like to dedicate this chapter to @jasminehamlin18 for commenting and voting for my story....THANK YOU JASMINE


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