Are you okay?

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CHAPTER 13--rileys pov

I felt empty inside knowing that my mom and brother were gone. Not gone, just hiding, I kept trying to tell myself. But I knew better. I was trying to avoid everyone. I was trying to tune out the world. But that's kind of hard when there are five people constantly asking if I'm okay. It's been about a week since the battle at the railroad station. It's been a week hearing "Riley are you sure that you're okay?" I finally snapped when that was the first thing Tyler said to me today. "No Tyler. No I'm not okay. And I would be a lot better if I didn't have everyone continuously asking me if I'm okay when it's obvious that I'm not. So just stop asking!" I had practically screamed it so a bunch of people gave me strange looks as I stormed away.

Tyler pov
I just stood there, frozen in place. I had no clue how to react to what had just happened. Riley had just flipped out. All I could bring myself to do was blink. I just saw a side of Riley that not many people will ever see, and hopefully I never see it again. That side of Riley officially scares me.

I suddenly came back to Earth and was able to react when someone said "Remind me not to get on his bad side." It was Shelbie. I then realized that she was there. I turned around saw Chase, Koda, Ashley, and Mrs. Morgan standing there too. They had seen the whole thing.
A/N mmmkay so this chapter is dedicated to (drum roll please!) @HolaSoyAntonia114 !!!! CONGRATZ AND THANKS FOR COMMENTING...U R ONE OF THE REASONS Y I KEEP UPDATING!!!

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