Im a monster?!

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CHAPTER 21--ashley pov
        "So basically what we've found out is that there's a monster hunting me, and whenever it comes close the temperature gets freezing. That's just great. Cuz' that's want I want to deal with right now." We had regrouped at the park to talk about what we found out. Chase, Tyler, Koda, Shelbie, and I found nothing. Antonio and Riley were attacked; Jayden and the others saved them. The monster's main focus was attacking Riley.
        "I don't understand why they're attacking just you, Riley." It was a good question that I knew Riley didn't know. "They're after Ashley. They want her to join their side because she's half--" Realizing what he was saying, he stopped talking. He glanced at me, then looked away. "She's half what? Riley?" Tyler was the first one to react. Riley began backing away. He turned around and was getting ready to run. This made me angry. Before I even knew what I was doing, I grabbed Riley's shoulder and pulled him back. Hard. He was holding his arm in pain when I realized what happened.
        "Riley, what am I half of?" He looked like he was going to scream. "'re half...half monster." The words took me by surprise. I turned around and ran as fast as I could, ignoring the others calling me. I'm half monster?!

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