Captured Pt. 2

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CHAPTER 24--antonios pov
This was not going to be good. I was about to walk into the museum and tell everyone that I lost Riley. I took a deep breath and opened the doors, earning a glance at me from everyone. "Antonio, where's Riley?" I instantly lost the fraction of confidence I had to say that I lost Riley and decided to change the subject. "Hey, I see you guys found Ashley. That's great! Why don't we come sit over here and make sure that you're okay." "Antonio. Tell us where Riley is." "Relax, Kevin. I can tell you guys where he is right after--" "ANTONIO!"
Ashley was fuming. The last thing we needed right now was her monster side going all crazy. "Okay, okay. We were walking in the woods trying to find you; the temperature dropped again. I pulled Riley behind me because I thought that if I did that he would be safer. Then the temperature went back to normal and I turned around. Riley, he wasn't there."

rileys pov
"I thought you were supposed to be smart?! All you have to do is tell me where Ashley is, then I promise I'll make your end slightly less slow and painful." The monster was trying to make me tell it (I refuse to call it a him) where Ashley is. "Even if I knew where she was, there's no way that I would ever tell you." I practically spat out the words. I was fuming. When I get out of here...not when Riley, if. If I get out of here. There's no way to garuntee that I'm going to get out of here.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by an excruciating pain to my right side. The monster began repeatedly striking me with his sword, which felt as thought it was just recemtly sharpened. I fell in a heap on the floor. I just layed there and took each hit and the electricuting pain that each one brought, afraid to move. My vision began dissipating into sections of white spots until my consciousness wore away to nothing.

A/N so today i was out walking to the park near my house and a girl walked up to and said, "Hey, im reading your dino charge story on wattpad. I recognize you from your picture. I absolutely love your writing. Never stop writing, your amazing at it." That very second I literally burst into tears. All of the complimemts that give me really do mean the world to me. There are three of you in particular that always vote and comment and read all of my updates. @HolaSoyAntonia144, @Anna3063, and @katy0711 you all are amazing. You all always make my day with your comments and votes. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

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