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CHAPTER 26--Rileys pov

I jerked up in my seat and was blinded by the sudden light that stung my eyes. In the previous nightmare I was just having, I was trapped in a remote place being tortured...again. Once I finally regained my vision, I looked around to find myself in the same place as my nightmare. Don't tell me. I tried to lift my arms up and was smacked with a wave of pain. This isn't happening. I reluctantly looked down to find I was tied to a chair with rope burns and cuts all up my arms. It wasn't a nightmare.
The realization caused me to thrash in my chair, completely unaware of the other two presences in the room. That was until someone put their hand on my shoulder and told me to quiet down. I felt another pair of hands untie the ropes. When I turned around, what I saw was completely shocking. Two girls stood before me, neither of which I recognized. The girl who's hand was on my shoulder had brown hair and brown eyes. She had a kind smile and looked to be a friendly person. The girl that untied my hands hand jet black hair with one braided purple streak in it. She had intense blue eyes and a black eyebrow piercing. If she hadn't just saved me, she'd be the kind of person I'd ignore.
"Hi, I'm Sapphire. This girl here with the blue eyes is Victoria. We're the orange and purple power rangers. We're going to help you get to safety, just come with us." The girl with brown hair, Sapphire, spoke. I looked at the girl with black hair, Victoria, and she smiled. Wow, her smile was beautiful. It was stunning. I made a mental note to make her smile more often. Maybe I could get to know her better, then we could become more than friends. Wait, Riley, what are you thinking? You have a girlfriend. Well technically we never made it official. So no actually I don't have a girlfriend. Okay Riley, carry on with your thoughts. Before I could continue thinking, however, Victoria snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Hey, stop spacing out and tell us what your name is and why these monsters kidnapped you." Even her voice is stunning. "Oh, my name's Riley. I'm the green power ranger."

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