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CHAPTER 18--riley pov

        "So let me get this straight. During the two hours I was gone, you met other power rangers, Shelbie and Ashley became complete rivals, and now we're in a combined battle against the monsters and things called Nighloks. It's amazing the things that can happen when you're tied to a chair." I had recovered enough to the point that I can walk around. We were all there. All 14 of us. Tyler was about about to say something when the alarm went off. There were two attacks. One downtown and one in the woods. Since the attack in the woods looked worse and I was good at finding my way around the woods (most times) I went with the Samurai rangers.
Antonio pov
          Me and the other Samurai rangers were sent to the battle in the woods while the Dino Charge rangers went downtown. Well, most of the Dino Charge rangers. Riley, the Dino Charge green ranger, was coming with us. He seems pretty cool compared to how the Dino Charge rangers described him, I thought. We ran out of the museum and went to our assigned places. It was about 15 minutes until we reached the place in the woods where the alarm went off.

        We all looked around. There was nothing there besides leaves and trees. Leaves and trees...and us. There were a few paths that led in different directions. We decided to split up and go down each path. Emily and Mia went down one path. Kevin, Mike, and Jayden went down the second path. And finally, Riley and I went down the third path. We all separated. And so it begins.
A/N haha i am such an evil person!!! Hahaha now yall gotta wait...

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