Another new story and also confessions because I consider you all my friends

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Helluuu friends. I've decided to make another new story so I can start developing an updating schedule. This one is going to be a Dino Charge gay ship story because I'm way better at writing these kinds of stories. BUT! I need help deciding who to ship together. So vote below please.



All the characters will be in the story but this will be the main ship.

And now it's time for a confession. And hopefully I don't recieve hate because hate is NOT cool.

I am bisexual. Just figured I'd come out because why not. So please don't hate me. Homophobes aren't cool.

I'm working on an update for this story that should be up by Friday and I'm hoping to start the new story by next Tuesday sooooo please comment which ship.

Also I want to get to know you all so pleaseeee kik me. My kik is below.


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