•ೋ°Naughty Assisstant°ೋ•

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Ship: Mitsuya Takashi x Hanangaki Takemichi

Category: Smut


Mitsu Fashion is a well known botique in Tokyo for it's good quality and also the two handsome men working in this shop.

Most of the customers are of course women as they love the dresses Mitsuya Takashi made and also his gorgeous face. But it wasn't only Mitsuya the customers always visit, men also visit the shop to check the outfit for men and also the cute and beutiful assisstant of Mitsuya, Hanagaki Takemichi.

Takemichi didn't expect that he will be working under his old co-captain back when they are in a gang in his teenage years. He knows thay the silver-lilac hair made sewing dresses and toys as his hobby to gift it to his younger sisters.

"You are getting popular everyday." Takemichi grinned at the man who is busy checking the dresses if it have a problem.

"Same goes to you." Takashi turn his head to the door where some guys blushing while watching the blonde.

Takemichi giggled and wave at the bunch of guys outside which made them more blush and wave back at the smiling blonde.

This gesture is making Takashi madly jealous as he glare at the guys who shiver at it and walk off getting the signal Takashi is giving them.

"You like those guys?" Takashi asked the blonde who chuckled at the nonesense question.

"Of course not, I only like one guy." Takemichi turn and walk closer to Takashi who stepped back but stop when he felt the table behind him.

"And who this lucky man is?"

"Why are you asking when you know that it's you?" Takashi smirked at the blonde's answer who is now trailing his fingers on the silver-lilac hair's broad chest.

Takashi grab Takemichi's roaming hands as he flip their position, Takemichi sitting on the table while Takashi is pinning him down smirking.

But what the silver-liliac hair man don't know is that his lover is having a crazy idea that he is about to perform in front of Takashi.

"You are so naughty making me jealous and flirt with the guys outside in front of me." Takashi growled as he grabbed Takemichi's soft and plumpy ass making the blonde moan.

Takemichi was about to kiss Takashi as he wrap his arms around him but the silver-lilac hair back away from the blonde who groaned at the action.

Takashi just smirked and went infront of the shop, turning the sign from OPEN to CLOSE also locking the doors and letting the curtain down so no one can see what's inside especially Takemichi's lewd face his making when they do it.

Just imagining of someone made Takemichi show such expression or just seeing that lewd face of the blonde made Takashi's blood boil promising to kill that person who just touch or see what belongs to him.

On the other hand, Takemichi keeps on rubbing his both plumpy thigh creating friction to pleasure him, he can't touch himself because of the rules Takashi sets up after a couple of times they did it.

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