•ೋ°In Love°ೋ•

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Ships: Inui Seishu x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff


Inui Seishu really wish that the one Hanagaki Takemichi fell in love was him and not his sister.

Don't get him wrong but he really love his sister and would always be there by her side, but this boy suddenly came into his life like an angel saving him from bullies.

That's the first time Seishu met Takemichi and instantly falls in love with him. They became friends, they always hangout, but something was off and Seishu knows it.

That his bestfriend is in love with his sister Inui Akane. Akane is eight years older than them and someone who is gentle, kind, sweet and caring sister. (Don't really know their age gap and decided to make it 8 years.)

And Seishi hated it, because all he wants is Takemichi's attention is only on him and no one else.

But fate is really a cunning one, Kokonoi Hajime appeared on the picture falling in love with both his sister and his bestfriend Takemichi.

Its like fate doesn't want Seishu to have Takemichi all to himself and keep making people appeare on their lives to steal Takemichi's attention away from him.

It always bothered Seishu for Koko always take Takemichi's time telling him about what he wants to be in the future amd the blonde would always say that he will help the black haired boy achieve the dream.

However something happened that the three of them didn't expect to happen. Akane got burnt along with the house after something made and causes the fire to spread out.

Koko was desperate to save Akane that he didn't even care is Seishu is saved or not, but it's not on the case of Takemichi.

The boy wanted to save them both, he noticed that Koko was only desperate to save Akane so he decided to save Seishu but it was too late.

The house was engulf by the fire and theu only saved Seishu who got a burn on his left side of his face.

It made them devastated to hear the Akane got burnt and isn't even recognizable and needed 40 million to get a surgery.

Koko started learning to earn money and just focus on that, and it made Takemichi mad at him for all he cared about is making money and didn't even check his friends condition.

Takemichi just focus on taking care of Seishu for he knows that even if they get that 40 million, it will be only too late.

And he was correct, not even a month pass Akane loss the will of breathing and died, Takemichi cried himself to Seishu who is also sad about his sister's loss.

It was like someone stab them at the back for losing someone so kind and caring from their life, fate is realky unpredictable.

Years pass and everything change, Koko is still hook up on making money while the two blondes just live their life to the fullest.

Seishu and Takemichi is always by each other's side and never even leave each one another for a minute for they are scared that if they left for a bit someone between the two will disappear.

And Takemichi never new that being always with Seishu have made him developed a strange feeling that always make him blush and feel butterflies on his stomach like crazy.

He also made new friends like Hakkai and Yuzuha who is the siblings of Taiju the 10th generatiom black dragon president who is a bit brutual but became a softy when it comes to Takemichi.

Takemichi is like a mok to the three Shiba, he always scolded them whenever they fight and if anyonr who didn't listen to him- sometimes especially Taiju-.

You will get a hour of Takemichi nagging and scolding without a stop. And that's the part that made Seishu fell in love with his blonde bestfriend the most.

For he is not only a caring and kind one, but he always have this determination of saving anyone who needs helo especially after that incident.

Right now the trio is on the library as Takemichi and Seishu acompany Koko on his study about the money for the promise to support the latter on what his dreams will be.

They always support each other and would always do anything just to make each other happy like what Akane wants them to be.

Being a person who will be a supportive and always prioritize their friends and love ones first before anything else.

But let's go back to the present.

Koko is on his own finding some books about money which is written on english and of course he understands them.

While Takemichi and Seishu is left on one of the table near the window where Seishu is sleeping and Takemichi reading some fantasy books.

Takemichi have this urge that tells him to keep on looking at Seishu who is being illuminated by the sunlight as his beaautiful features shine.

Standing up from his seat, he walked closer to Seishu who is taking a deep sleep after an exhausted brawl yesterday. There's this whispers that keep on telling Takemichi to kiss the boy.

Without any hesitation Takemichi lean in capturing Seishu's soft and red lips, attaching it to his own soft lips. The kiss lasted for a few minutes, opening his eyes he saw Seishu staring at him making Takemichi blushed and jump back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Takemichi trying to explain as he stutter for a bit while the other blonde just chuckled.

Seishu caresses Takemichi cheeks before pulling him for another kiss that us full of love and pation that lasted for a few more minutes before Seishu pulled away taking breaths.

"I love you too."

Next chapter is still on process, what do you guys want for the next chapter?

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Next chapter is still on process, what do you guys want for the next chapter?

Comment a ship and a stort base in this sentence and I will try to read them all, sorrt in advance if I didn't pick your idea🙇‍♀️

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