•ೋ°Dresses, Skirts and Heels°ೋ•

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Ship: Inui Seishu x Hanagaki Takemichi x Kokonoi Hajime

Category: Semi-Smut ft. Boypussy Takemichi

Hi guys long time no see, i'll just be dropping this idea of mine here
(~ ̄³ ̄)~


After Takemichi took Black Dragon from Taiju, almost everyday you can see the two guard dogs Inui Seishu and Kokonoi Hajime by the blondes side.

It would be weird for some but those who knew Takemichi and what he contributed to defeating Taiju can say other wise.

And as usual Takemichi gets drag by his two dogs or should I say boyfriends to the mall for Inui to buy heels for himself, his last one broke from kicking someone in the face after they heard the mob insult Takemichi of being a slut.

"What do like Takemichi?" Inui asked. Showing to choices of heels one is a black stilettos -the usual- and a white kitten heels.

"I don't know but i like both." Takemichi answered not knowing about the types of heels really, he just knows that the other one has long heel and the other has short heel.

"You have to choose Michi, this is for you." Inui said smiling at Takemichi who became flustered at Inui's bright smile. (Not as bright as yours Michi)

"No, No, No, I'm fine and I don't even know how to use this. And isn't it to expensive to buy two?" Takemichi refuses saying all the excuses he can think of.

In truth is that Takemichi knows how to use heels, when he was a child he always look up to his Mom who is a model and would always have the latest heels on. It fascinates Takemichi si much that he requested his mother to buy him some, he would always wear it and show it off to his friends (Mizo Middle Crew and Hina) but due to bullying and his Mother passing away from an accident at her work, he stopped wearing heels.

"No need to worry about the price, Koko will cover for it." Inui insisted.

Takemichi look at Kokonoi for help but the latter just smirk and nodded his head conforming Inui's statement. In the end Takemichi gave up and let Inui pick what heels would be good for him.

Inui being Inui bought a red ankle strap heels, a black slink back heels, a white cut out heels and a silver high heeled boots. That all compliments Takemichi and fits him really well.

On the other hand Kokonoi also bought Takemichi some dresses, and skirts to pair up with the heels. Of course it made Takemichi flustered and refuses but Koko just ignored him giving off his signature smirk before paying everything off.

Well Takemichi did try everything they bought, from the heels pairing it with some of the dresses and skirts. It was amazing for Takemichi's part to wear heels again remembering his Mother's lessons on how to use and walk properly when wearing them.

"Wow Takemichi you look so amazing." Inui complimented.

"Thank you Sei-kun." Takemichi smiled at them brightly.

"And so fuckable too." Koko percertly commented that made Takemichi blush so hard, his face ressembles a tomato.

"B-but w-we just f-fuck t-two days a-ago Haji-kun." Takemichi stuttered looking down, fidgeting his fingers.

Koko walked up to Takemichi and lift the skirt up to see the red panties he bought for Takemichi.

"Your so cruel Michi, wearing the panties i bought you and not letting us fuck you." Koko teased whispering at Takemichi's ear before looking to Inui for his cue.

"Koko's right Michi, we should be rewarded with our job well done."

Inui lift Takemichi's face with his hand before kissing him, the kissed was hard and hot for Takemichi.

Koko joined by giving kisses and bites on Takemichi's neck leaving trails of saliva and hickies, that made Takemichi moan. Inui took this chance to slip his tounge inside Takekichi's mouth as he explores the inside.

After a few mimutes of making out with Inui, Takemichi broke the kiss and eagerly faced Koko to also give him his reward. But before he could kiss Koko, he was being lift up from the ground in a Princess style by the black haired. Koko led them to there shaired bedroom and aggresively throw Takemichi to the bed.

"Strip." Koko and Inui commanded with a deep voice that send shivers to Takemichi's spine as his pussy started to get wet.

Takemichi obeyed and strip off his croptop and skirt, he was about to take off his heels when Inui stopped him.

"Don't we want to fuck you with this on."

That made Takemichi blush, but obeyed and started to get impatient. He started touching himself when another hand stopped him.

"You really can't wait, your pussy is already dripping without getting touch." Koko smirked getting closed to Takemichi's ears before whispering. "Your such a slut for us."

"Sei, Haji, please touch me, i need you." Takemichi said seductively, tears are starting to form in his eyes as he pinch his nipple to pleasure his self.

"Fuck, Takemichi you really are irrisistible."

Without any more warning Koko and Inui took off their clothes and started pleasuring Takemichi to the bone. Showing him their affections in different ways and Takemichi moaning their names everytime the pleasure is too good.

Takemichi was fuck till the morning still wearing his heels.

That day, Takemichi discovered how Koko and Inui have this kink of getting their d*ck stomp by Takemichi in heels which also turns him more on.


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