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Ships: Shiba Hakkai x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff and a bit short cause I ran out of ideas(ToT)


Do you guys like Kisses? Well me too, you know that pointy pyramid chocolate that comes with small, medium and large sizes...

Just kidding.

Have you guys expereince to be loved struck at someone who is willing to sacrifice hisself just to save you from your cruel brother?

Well Shiba Hakkai did. At first his not someone that is into love after all his brother don't allow it, there is only one person he admire and that's Mitsuya Takashi his captain in Toman.

However when a certain someone came to his life who nevers give up just to save him and his sister. That's the time where Hakkai become confuse to love and admire.

Hakkai shrug his feelings and told himself that he only admire Hanagaki Takemichi but feelings can't be keep for too long ya know.

A bright and sunny day, a good day to have a date with your lover or even your family.

And right now, our main boy is having a battle with his mind and heart. Yuzuha and Mitsuya just sighed at Hakkai right now who is pacing back and forth in front of Takemichi's house.

"What if he refuse!?" Hakkai asked to his sister and friend who just face palm for the seventh time of the day.

Hakkai has been asking the same question over and over again making Yuzuha and Mitsuya annoyed as they push Hakkai in front of Takemichi's door knocking on it at the same time.

Hakkai panick as he glared at his sister and bestfriend who just gave him a smile and a thumbs up cheering him up.

The door opened revealing Takemichi in a short black shorts and an oversize white shirt making Hakkai blush at the sudden apearance.

"Oh good moring Kai-kun." Takemichi greeted smiling at the tall guy infront of him.

Takemichi tipped toe and kissed Hakkai's cheeks that caught him off guard making the taller blush holding his cheeks.

"W-why did you do that?" Hakkai asked stuttering as he was about to faint at Takemichi's sudden action.

"Well you are my boyfriend and I'm expressing my affection by kissing you."

Takemichi just giggled at his boyfriends cute expression as he stop teasing the taller before he faint on the spot.

Takemichi gesture for Hakkai to step inside the house as the dark blue hair accepted taking off his shoes following his cute boyfriend inside.

Hakkai had beem in Takemichi's house several times and it always amazes him how feminine and cute the house decoration always.

Everytime he visit he noticed that it's different from the last making him have a conclusion that Takemichi always decorate his house if his bored or no work.

"Are we going somewhere? You dress like you are going to a contest." Takemichi asked blushing at Hakkai's handsomeness, he also notice it's Mitsuya's design making it like Hakkai is a model.

Well of course he is. Takemichi have witness how Hakkai walk down the ranway modeling the new released clothes that Mitsuya designed.

"I thought that today is a good day to go on a date since we are always busy." Hakkai answered looking down blushing and also anxious that Takemichi will turn him down.

"Sure, please wait for a bit I'll just prepare."

In a flash Takemichi closed his room door going to the bathroom to take a shower excited to have a date with Hakkai for the first time in three weeks.

Hakkai sighed as he saw Mitsuya and Yuzuha outside asking if his plan work, he just gave them a thumbs up and gesture them to go away.

Takemichi pulled Hakkai to the arcade as he saw a cute plushie that he really wanted. Hakkai tried to get it and at the seventh try he successfully got it giving it to Takemichi.

Takemichi cheered giving Hakkai a kiss on the cheeks that caught him off guard blushing at his blonde boyfriend's cuteness.

The two tried more games, enjoying the time they have to themselves for the day for they know that tomorrow will be work day and they won't have time for each other.

"Kai-kun thank you for today." Takemichi thanked as he look at the plushies, clothings and matching jewelries they bought.

"Me too, I had fun." Hakkai said as he smile back.

The moonlight shone upon them giving them the light that they needed to see each other's blushing faces, feeling all giddy up inside as butterflies threaten to fly out.

It was such a simple romantic night for them.

Hakkai stare at Takemichu blue eyes that is being illuminate by the light of the moon making it shine more even though it's dark.

Takemichi tipped toe as he close their gaps, hands around Hakkai's shoulder kissing the taller in the lips who also kissed back.

Nothing can interrupt them because for the holeday, their life only revolve around each other making new memories together.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes as they parted catching their breath. Hakkai again became red at the romantic kiss he shared with Takemichi.

"Do you not like my kisses?" Takemichi asked pouting making Hakkai panick who shook his head NO.

"I like– no I love them but it's just making me feel butterflies." Hakkai answered.

Takemichi just giggled as he cupped Hakkai's face giving him kisses around his face, from the forehead to the cheeks to the nose and of course a peck on the lips.

"I'lk give you more kisses to express how much I love you."

Next chapter Sweet Blood/ vampire Au/ All x Takemichi

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