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Ship(s): Tachibana Naoto x Fem! Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff


When he was a child, Tachibana Naoto really don't believe at love at first sight thingy after all, he always see couples breaking up sometimes especially at his school with those high school seniors of his who are in a relationship.

Love at first sight is just a temporary thing and can not be a permanent for the one that got struck by it will be stuck again but with someone else. It is just like you are being a two timer for just falling with someone's looks and not what is deep inside.

Naoto have also witnessed his sister's romance with a girl named Sano Emma who is a blonde lady with aldo dark yellow eyes that shine brightly when she is with his sister Hinata. He was happy for his sister that she found someone who will love her with all her heart.

But Naoto suddenly felt lonely when his sister don't have enough time to be with him or have a sibling bonding time that they always have. Does love really change someone so easily that it can even forget the one who is in love his/her family.

Yet Naoto didn't know that fate have already decided his future and who he will be with, and he was thankful for fate  that brought the best girl into his life, and he can love him with all his heart as the girl also love him back.

Hanagaki Takemichi is a well known detective as she have solve many cases around the world. She always gets called when something with her partner in crime her soon-to-be husband Tachibana Naoto.

They are known for being the smartest detectives and secret agents(by their co-workers) for they have solve hundreds of cases in just a week or even two to three days.

And right now they are on break from work. After all they also need time for themselves and also bonding time.

Takamichi woke up from their shared bed groaning at the pain on her back after their session last night. She really hates it when Naoto go wild and rough with her everytime they fuck but at least she gets some pleasure so it is a win win.

Getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom to start her day of going on a date with her boyfriend as per for their plans on the weekend.

"Where are you going?" A faint ask heard behind her as someone grab her wrist making her stop. Naoto must have woken up from the cold when she left the bed, he really hates morning cold.

"Going to prepare breakfast." Takemichu smiled answering giving a little peck on Naoto's forehead. "You should also get up you wild beast."

"But I thought you like it wild?" Naoto chuckled when Takemichi throw a pillow at him, trying to cover her burning face of embarrassement. "I will tell Hina about this."

"What is she? Your mom?"

"Yes! And she always save me from a wild beast!" Takemichi exclaimed but started running out of the room when Naoto got up with a smirk looking at its prey. "Oh you need to be punish because you just betrayed the wild beast!"

The couple ran around their living room, really enjoying theirselves of getting a day off from work. Naoto and Takemichi have been dating for twelve years now since their middle school time. However they never have time to make a date or plan for their wedding so they are staying on boyfriend-girlfriend stage.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Takemichi asked putting her apron on while Naoto cling on her back like a koala on its tree. "You."

"Baby I'm not playing around." Naoto chuckled at his cute girlfriends whining and flustered face.

"Then the usual." Naoto answered going to the bathroom to take a bath while waiting for Takemichi to finish making brrakfast.

Before going to the bathroom, Naoto check a certain box if the things he bought is still there and smiled knowing it wasn't lost or Takemichi haven't found out about this yet.

Today Naoto wanted to do something that might change his relationship with Takemichi forever and he is getting pretty nervous plus excited. He can't wait for it.

After their meal and getting ready to go out, they have finally walked out of their house to get the fresh air and also to start their day off also known as the date day by silly Takemichi of course.

Their first destination is to greet Hinata, Naoto's sister, and her family. Hinata have marry her wife Sano Emma who she have also been dating since middle school. And now they have adopted a little girl and a little boy to conplete their family.

Their second destination is the mall. Takemichi loves shopping especially when she is with Emma and Hina for they have the best fashion than her. Naoto also went to see some jewelries to give for his girlfriend when time comes.

And their last destination is their favorite spot. Naoto's old appartment rooftop where they always spend tgeir dates a long time ago, Takemichi always bring snacks and drink to have their picnic their every sunset.

It was a memory to keep forever. They sat down at the concrete with a mat provided by their shopping a while ago and also snacks they bought.

"Sunset really are amazing." Takemichi muttured smiling as she watch the sunset hand in hand with her boyfriend who nodded not realky watching the sunset but her.

"Love can I say something?" Naoti asked as Takemichi faced him and nodded with a smile. "Sure."

Naoto brought out a box that confuses Takemichi, as he opened the box her expression change from confuse to shock. Their inside the box is a ring attached to a necklace.

Taking the necklace out as Naoti made Takemichi turn around to put it on her neck. "I want to give it as a ring but it well get dirty when we work so I made it into a necklace."

"Hanagaki Takemichi, I know that we are busy, but will you marry me?" Naoto asked with sincerity and love as he look at Takemichi straight to the eye.

A tears shed down Takemichi's face making Naoto nervous and panick tryinh to find the tissue while Takemichi giggled at him. "My answer to your question is yes!"

Naoto cheered as he stood up, going to the railing and shouted loudly that his girlfriend said yes happily trying to tell the world that Hanagaki Takemichi is his. While Takemichi just giggled behind him.

Can't wait for their future.

Next Chapter Past vs Present(Wakasa Ver

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