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Ship: Sano Shinichiro x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut


Sano Shinichiro is the infamous leader of Black Dragon the first gang who conquered Tokyo for 3 years and now his on retirements.

But the gang is still going being led by his boyfriend and the 11th Generation, the one and only Hanagaki Takemichi.

The two meet in Shinichiro's motorbike shop, Takemichi who is curious about those things checked the shop out and that's how their love story started. (Takemichi is the same age as Shinichiro)

Everything was fine at the first five years of their relationship, but Shinichiro overstepped his boundaries accusing Takemichi on cheating with Wakasa when the blonde is just asking for help to manage the gang.

And that's how their relationship was on break.

"Shin stop that, you are on your sixth glass and that's pass your limit." Takeomi scolded but Shinichiro didn't mind him and just keep on drinking.

Shinichiro will only listen to Takemichi and Takeomi knows that making it hard for him to babysit this idiot of a friend of his.

Wakasa and Keizo weren't also here, after all Wakasa was drag into the two lovers quarrel making it ackward for Wakasa to be close to Shinichiro who always give him a death glare.

Hajime also sighed as he drank his order watching the two older bicker. He and Seishu have been drag to the bar with some Black Dragon members too since their leader(Takemichi) is here having fun with others.

Seishu noticed Shinichiro and Takeomi just sitting on the other side of the bar making Hajimr sigh in frustration, he knows that he will be the one to clean up his boss mess. (Koko and Inui is just a year younger than Takemichi and Shinichiro)

"Where's Michi?" Hajime asked his boyfriend who point out at the dancing floor.

There they saw Takemichi dancing to the club's music with an unknown black haired man who is blushing staring at Takemichi's sexy body with lust in his eyes.

The two lovers know that if Shinichiro knows this then war will broke out, the older will really take that man's eyeball out for staring at his boyfriend with lustful gaze.

On the othet hand, Takemichi didn't mind if the man his dancing with will touch his body for Takemichi won't even make the guy's fantasy come true.

After all, he don't bow down to any man even if they are stronger and bigger than him. Takemichi will always be a independent Queen, he might even make the strongest man kneel with just a temptation.

"Hey sexy wanna go have some fun?" The guys asked caressing Takemichi waist as the blonde smirks and nodded.

"Sure, let's go upstairs." Takemichi answered as he led the man upstairs where the VIP rooms are.

Wakasa and Keizo just arrived at the club after Takeomi called them asking for help, when they saw Takemichi going upstairs with another man.

They also noticed some Black Dragon members inside the club, as they conclude their thoughts that the gang had a party here.

They saw Takeomi waving at them as they went to where their friends table is. Seeing Shinichiro in a broken state mumbling about Takemichi saying sorry to him.

The three sighed.

"Oh I saw Michi going upstairs with a man and some BD members are also here, I saw Koko and Inui at the other side." Wakasa stated as Shinichiro's attention went up to him giving the ladylike face man a raised eyebrow.

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