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Ships: Kawata Nahoya(Smiley) x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff

Short one shot


At first meeting of Takemichi with the fourth division captain, he felt like the guy will about to punch the blonde guy.

Kawata Nahoya or Smiley as they refer to him, doesn't like the new member's presence. To him Takemichi is a weak crybaby who don't know how fight.

But how did it turn out that the once he hate the most in the gang turn to be someone he jolds dear now.

Nahoya waited outside of Takemichi's house, since today is Toman's get together party and everyone is present.

When he heard the door opening and closing he turn his head just to see a smiling Takemichi waving at him walking towards where he is standing.

That smile that can attract any gender and can make you fall in love. That smile that is more brighter and warmer than the sun.

The smile the Nahoya really treasure the most and will always protect it no matter what happens.

Nahoya and Takemichi's love story went way back twelve years ago when they are still middle schoolers where they first meet at Toman's meeting.

Mikey brought Takemichi at the meeting at that time declaring he is Mikey's little brother and who ever dares to hurt hum will face the ground.

Takemichi who don't like violence scolded Mikey for threatening his gang. Takemichi's feature that time is so small and fragile like he will break anytime soon.

And Nahoya didn't like those kinds of people, well excepr for his brother who cry's if Nahoya got hurt.

Mikey put Takemichi under Mitsuya Takashi's division but the blonde have taken an interest on the twins as he call them cotton candy twins.

The other captains laughed at tye nickname the twins got and Nahoya gave Takemichi a punch making the blonde unconcious.

Oh that was the most terrifiying thing happened to Nahoya for Mikey beat him up for thirty minutes straight as the other's are too scared to stop theur commander.

Until that day on Nahoya tried to keep a distance between Michi and him but the blonde boy is so determine to become friends with everyone.

Hell he even became friends with Sanzu and Mochu who ate the most difficult ones to get close too. Well he have his weapon that is hiding in his sleeve.

Takemichi always have this sunny smile that can melt anyone colds heart and make you fall in love with him instantly. The only hindrance is his brother the scary invincible Mikey.

However Mikey can't stop his brother from being friends with everyone or the boy will hate him for all his life and that is the most important thing Mikey don't want to happen.

And that's what happens to Nahoya, Michi want to be friends with him but he refuse and always ignore the blonde so Takemichi targeted his brother who is surprisingly and easy going guy.

Nahoya always see his brother hanging out with Takemichi EVERY SINGLE DAY. His brother even ignored him sometimes just to hang out with Takemichi.

Where's the bro code they established? Where's the family is the first priority?

However it all change after that incidenr happened.

Nahoya and Souya was beaten up by an unknown gang with their surprise attack of attacking every Toman members.

Surprisingly Takemichi is passing the dark alley as he saw the horific seen of Souya getting hit in the head for protecting Nahoya.

Without thinking twice Takemichi kicked the guy who hit Souya on the side like what he always see Mikey do and copied it.

The guy flew back grunting at the great impact of a strong kick on his side as he clutch his hands on his side hearing his group worried voices.

"Don't you ever show your faces again or I will be the one to beat you up." Takemichi coldly threatens sending shiver down their spine, even Nahoya felt scared.

That seen is what you call 'Don't judge a book by its notebook- i mean its cover.' for the innocent weak crybaby boy they know can land a strong kick and can make you feel scared with just his voice.

He is really Mikey's brother, with those two people that have innocent faces but can kill you anytime, what a sibling.

"Ouch!" Nahoya yelled as he felt a sting on the side of his mouth, he is being treated by Takemichi who help them get back home.

"Just what happened there?" Takemichi worriedly asked trying to be gentle on the fourth division captain.

Takemichi is treating Nahoya's wounds after they settled Souya back to his room for him to get some rest. The blonde boy saw the bruises on the orange hair guy's face and volountered to treat them.

Nahoya can't even declined when the blonde started treating his wounds showing that warm smile that instantly shut's the man up.

For the first time Nahoya have found his other weakness than his brother and that is too see Takemichi's warm and beautiful smile.

'I wish I get beaten up everyday just to get this treatment.'

Next chapter In Love/ fluff/ Inui x Takemichi

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