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Ships: Sano Manjiro x Hanagaki Takemichi x Sano Shinichiro

Category: Fluff and Funny

Mikey and Takemichi is 12 here and Shinichiro 16


Takemichi have known Mikey for a few years now since they are still toddlers ans can't talk. After all their grandparents are close with each other.

Mikey have been very fond of Takemichi as he always claim to the adults how he will marry the blue eyed boy when they grow up.

However, Takemichi only like Mikey as a bestfriend and have someone else he likes.

Upon hearing about that Mikey interogated Takemichi who this someone is and he will kill him for taking his Takemichi's attention away from him.

Takemichi just blushed and said. "I-it's S-Shin-ni." He stuttered and after hearing the answer Mikey's world crumble.

His crush like his brother and not him, why did Takemichi like someone lame as Shinichiro and not someone cool like Mikey. Is the world really ending for him.

A bright morning and the sun light is illuminating on Mikey's room from the glass window as the latter groan at the blinding light.

He sat up with his left hand rubbing his eyes while his right hand is holding his precious blanket scared to let it loose.

Mikey roam his eyes and saw that it is already morning and he still needs to meet up with his new gang later one.

Reluctant on getting up, Mikey left his room walking to the living room with the blanket still on hand. There he saw his sister Emma helping Shinichiro make their breakfast.

"Good morning to you Manjiro." Shinichiro greeted with a smile placing down the omelet he and Emma made taking note that Mikey's egg yolk should not be well cook.

"Good morning." Mikey cutely greeted back with a yawn darting his attention to Emma who is giving him a wierd look.

"Your still can't sleep without that blanket? What are you a baby?" Emma teased gaining a pout and a glare from Mikey while Shinichiro just chuckled.

"Now now, don't fight in front of the food." Their grandpa spoke sitting on the chair beside Emma as they started praying.

After breakfast, Takemichi came to the Sano household inviting Emma and Mikey to play outside. Seeing Shinichiro smile on him made his heart beat fast and a blush creep on his face.

This expression didn't go unnoticed by Mikey and pushed Takemichi outside not wanting his brother to make Takemichi's heart go duki duki.

If Mikey will be honest he is really jealous of his brother because Takemichi like Shinichiro and not him.

It is like a scenerio of Mikey not having his doriyaki, that is what he felt when he can't have Takemichi's attention and it is always focus on Shinichiro.

When they arrived at the park Emma and Takemichi started discussing something that is only heard by them.

Baji have also joined them, he and Mikey played away from the two for Emma doesn't want them to hear what she and Takemichi is talking.

And Mikey hates it, he really hates it. Just by being away from his Takemichi makes him go insane. and Takemichi didn't gave him his daily kisses and hugs.

A sudden squeal was heard from Takemichi and Emma as the two boys turn their attention to the other two.

"What do you think their talking?" Baji asked giving the two kids away from them a curious gaze.

While Mikey just frown and turn away with a pouted lips. "I don't care what it is, I just want Takemichi's attention."

"Dude you are so wierd." Baji snorted giving Mikey a disgusted look gaining a kick from the blonde and it started a fight between them.

"Did you three have fun?" Shinichiro asked staring at the three kids standing in front of him.

It is about night time and the three look really dirty with all those dirt and sand on their clothes from playing. Shinichiro gave them a smile which gave Takemichi's heart a beat and the bright blonde boy turn into a tomato.

"Shinichiro-ni can I tell you something?" Takemichi asked shyly with his fingers playing the hem of his shirt.

Shinichiro raised a brow before nodded as Takemichi pulled him away from them. The older could see Emma giving a thumbs up to the boy who is pulling him.

Mikey is a very curious kid and decided to peek and listen to what they are going to talk about with Emma of course who is very excited.

Takemichi is looking away before facing Shinichiro staring at the older's eyes with heart eyes before blushing. "Shinichiro-ni I LIKE YOU!"

After hearinh those word Mikey's world crumbled up, his body froze like a stone with cracks.

Emma is cheering on the background as Shinichiro chuckled before sqauting to Takemichi's level patting the soft blonde locks the boy have.

"Me too, but we are still young." Shinichiro confesses back as Takemichi blushed at the sudden one for he thought that Shinichiro will turn him down.

"Yes!" Takemichi happily answered giving Shinichiro a hug.

Mikey froze there, his body can't move an inch. His Takemichi confessed his love to Shinichiro his brother who also felt the same way.

A struck of lightning hit Mikey as he jolt up, checking his surrounding then pinches his arm and felt it hurts.

He woke up in the middle of the night huffing and panting, it was all a dream and his Takemichi didn't confess his love to Shinichiro.

Mikey can still stop it from happening and it won't happen when he is still alive. He won't give his beloved to his brother over his dead body NO!


Shinichiro woke up with tape and ropes all over him, Mikey on the side tying a rope underneath the bed.

"What are you doing Manjiro?" Shinichiro asked with a twitching eye, controlling his self from hitting his idiot of a brother.

"I'm tying you up so you won't get near my Takemichi." Mikey answered and gave his brother a satisfied smile while Shinichiro eyed him with a 'are you serious?' look.

And in the morning, let's just say that Mikey earned himself a hit from his brother and Takemichi ignoring him for the whole day.

And in the morning, let's just say that Mikey earned himself a hit from his brother and Takemichi ignoring him for the whole day

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Sorry it's a bit messy, I made it in a hurry for I have many thing to do a while ago. And reminder, I might put three or four angst chapter in a row.

Next chapter Replacement/ angst/ Koko x Takemichi

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