•ೋ°Fault 02°ೋ•

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【Since you guys really want part 2 of Fault well here it is.】

It was a pretty normal night for Chifuyu as he is playing with his cat but something made him feel restless.

Suddenly a ring from his phone was heard. He took it from his table and saw it waa Mitsuya which leave him confuse for he knows that the man is very busy.

"Yes Mitsuya-san?" He answered but heard a sniffle from the other side like it seems Mitsuya is crying.

"Chifuyu... Takemichi and Draken died."

Mitsuya heard a loud thud from Chifuyu as he saw that the blonde have cutted his call. He is also shock at the information he got from Takeomi.

He couldn't believe that two of his friends died at the same time. Mitsuya also didn't know that Takemichi is back from the future and both he and Draken shouldered the responsibility of saving Mikey.

Mitsuya also wish that Mikey is save but not like this. He didn't want Draken and Takemichi to be the sacrifice for Mikey's happiness.

"What is wrong with this world." He cried on Hakkai's embrace as now they are at the hospital still waitung for Takemichi's condition.

It was lucky that the blonde was taken to the hospital in time and is having a surgery now. But they don't know if Takemichi can survive or not from the four bullets in his body.

Hinata rushed herself to the hospitao with Chifuyu following, they saw the guys on the waiting room with Mikey. She don't know why but she wanted to punch him so she did.

Tachibana Hinata punch Mikey, it was the second time she hurted Mikey.

"Because of you, Takemichi is on the brick of death! He only wanted his friends to be happy but you didn't want that! Because of you he needed to go back here in the past again! Because of your idiocity both Draken and Takemichi sacrifice their selves to save you!" Hinata shouted crying as Chifuyu hugged her calming her down.

Chifuyu also wanted to punch Mikey but first he needs to comfort Hina for he promised that he will protect Hina if somethings happened to Takemichi.

But he didn't know that it was so soon and ge didn't get informed about it. He already have lost Baji and now his new partner Takemichi.

Fate is really cruel to them.

"I'm sorry." That shock them, Mikey is apologizing to them. They know this isn't a dream for their friend is inside the ICU room.

"I'm sorry, if I didn't blaim him and stop South from shooting me he wouldn't have died, Ken-chin too. I'm so sorry that I killed Takemichi in tge future, I'm sorry." Mikey apologized as he knelt down with tears in his eyes, he can't go back in time like Takemichi.

They all wanted to go back and save their two friends but they can't for only Takemichi can do that and now he is dying. They just wish that this is all a dream and live happily ever after like those fairy tales.

The doctor walk out of the room with a sad look. He face the teenagers who are waiting for the result of their friend.

"I'm so sorry but we couldn't save him, he loss to much blood, you may now see him but please keep it down." The doctor said that broke their hearts.

Their world is like ending, their crybaby hero, their sunshine is now gone. They won't see the smile of incouragement anymore.

Chifuyu won't have anyone to share his food anymore, Mitsuya won't have his little brother good cooking and help for his fashion designing anymore.

Hakkai won't see his saviour anymore, Angry and Smiley won't see their weak and fragile that they should protect anymore.

Peh-yan won't have someone he could scold anymore, Hina won't have her caring, sweet boyfriend anymore.

His now gone and now with Baji, Emma and Draken at who knows where. They really wish they could turn back the time and do everything right.

Mikey, have lost everyone and he thought that being far away from them would do something but it didn't, he killed his bestfrien in the future and now both of them are dead.

"Michi please wake up, I'm so sorry, I promise I will change back just please come back with Ken-chin."


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