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Ships: Haitani Ran x Hanagaki Takemichi x Haitani Rindou

Category: Smut, threesome

【Guys this will be a compensation of Ran and Rindou for the things they did at Toxic Love so forgive them already.】


Heat is like the day of the month for woman but it is for omegas. Heat can be painful if the omega isn't feeling pleasure and it could be worsen.

It also attracts alpha who are unmated and also being an unmated Omega can make Alpha's go crazy just to marked that Omega.

And right now that is what Hanagaki Takemichi is experiencing. His heat was triggered by a drug that someone made him swallow.

It was a good thing that he escape from that weirdo but his heat is engulfing him as his inner omega keep on whinning for an Alpha's pheromones.

Takemichi lean on the stone wall breathing heavily from his run and also his heat. He need to call his friend to pick him up before something happens to him.

"Ara ara, what's this an omega in heat?" Someone spoke that send shiver down Takemichi's spine, it seems like his attracted to that voice.

Takemichi's inner Omega is screaming for that voice owner to touch him, make him feel good just to make this pain go away.

Takemichi listened to his omega as he walk towards the two people who just smirked. Takemichi held the taller's shirt tightly, looking up with a begging blue oceanic eyes full with lust that can attract anyone who will stare at them.

The two Alphas were turn on by that lustful eyes as the older carried the blonde towards their house that is near here.

Ran and Rindou arrived at their house carrying a blonde omega in heat who keep on whinning and moaning without them touching him.

They hurriedly entered their room as Ran put the Omega down on their bed. Rindou started unbuckling his belt licking his lips at the meal in front of him, tasty and fresh.

Ran give Takemichi soft kisses on his forehead down to his nose and then capturing the omega's lips. Their simple kiss turn into a heated make out session as Takemichi felt his shirt being pull up.

Rindou saw Takemichi's pink and cute nipples making him lick them giving it a little kitten lick before sucking the left one while nipping the other one.

Takemichi moaned in Ran's mouth as he felt both pleasure from this two unknown guys. He felt that Rindou wants milk from his nipples as the latter keep on sucking it like a baby hungry for a milk.

"Y-you... wouldn't... g-g-get... milk there~" Takemichi said between kisses, only a laugh from both guys that made Takemichu flustered from their seductive laugh.

Rindou swap as he suck on the right on and nip on the left one making Takemichi more moan. Ran pull Michi's shirt off and trailed kisses on the blonde's neck and collarbone.

The two were attracted at the pheromones Takemichi let out that it even surrounds the whole room making the brothers loss control.

It's becoming addictive just to smell the sweet flowery scent Takemichi is letting out. Ran quickly unbuckle his belt, sliding down his pants as he watch his brother suck the omega's cock.

Takemichi arch his back when Rindou suck his member like how he suck his swollen nipples that are now wet and a bit red.

"Mister~" Tajemichi moaned but the name made Rindou frustrated but ignore it after all the omega don't know his name.

"Rindou... Call me Rindou Baby." Rindou said as he inserted his finger on Takemichi's whole that triggered the blonde's orgasm, cumming on Rindou's face.

"Love, I'm Ran but call me Master or Daddy." Ran seductively whispered on Michi's ear giving wave of pleasure on the omega's whole body.

Ran positioned hisself on Takemichi's mouth who just stared at how big it is, later on obeying what Ran wants giving the taller man's cock a kitten licks.

A groan was let out from the braided man who tightens his grip on Michi's hair. While his brother sulk when the omega didn't give him attention, he didn't even hesitate to put a thurd finger making the omega yelp and moan that send pleasure to his brother.

"Mhmsgdbxus~" Takemichi make noise with his mouth on Ran's cock, scolding Rindou who just chuckled and keep on thrusting his finger in and out of the omega's wet hole.

"Love don't make sounds like that~" Ran warned as he felt himself nearing his orgasm and he wants to pull out but the blonde won't let him making him cum in Takemichi's mouth. "Ohhh, that's so good Love."

"Please~" Takemichi begged to Rindou wriggling his hips to the man below him who takes his finger out making Michi whine for the loss.

"I'll be the first one to enter you Love." Ran said as they switch position with his brother as Rindou just sulk sitting beside Takemichi.

Ran first entered Takemichi with a his two finger scissoring the omega's hole stretching him up to lessen the pain later on.

When he know that the omega is ready he position himself, slowly pushing his member on the reddening and tight hole as he groan when he felt it clump down in his tip.

Rindou on the other hand also positioned himself to Takemichi sore mouth from the blowjob he gave Ran a while ago.

The two brothers penetrated both Takemichi's hole making the inner omega of the blonde take over him, moaning at Rindou's member.

Ran and Rindou keep their rhytym the same as they felt how good the omega's hole is around their stick.

Their session went on as the brothers felt their coming, fastening their pace to catch their climax. And when they did, they shoot it inside of Takemichi who's inner omega is still in control gladly taking their cum.

"T-that was amazing." Ran said as he felt Takemichi still tightning around him when he is about to pull out.

"What if he get pregnant?" Rindou asked staring at the past out blonde caressing his cute but messy face.

"That's easy, will take him as our omega."

Next chapter Punishment/ smut/ ship?

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Next chapter Punishment/ smut/ ship?

Choices / selection:

Sanzu x Possessive/Yandere Takemichi

Wakasa x Possessive/Yandere Takemichi

Kazutora x Possessive/Yandere Takemichi

Hanma x Possessive/Yandere Takemichi

Izana x Possessive/Yandere Takemichi 

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