•ೋ°Sweet Blood°ೋ•

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Ships: All x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Vampire AU


Vampires are supernatural people who have fangs and needs blood to survive.

Every human discribe Vampires as blood sucking monster who only wants to kill and torment humans.

Some also said that they are just fairytales and just features in books or movies, and they aren't real for no one have seen Vampires for ages.

However what they didn't know is that Vampires still live and excist but only live in such secluded area's in the world.

And there is a portal to where Vampires pass through when they want to visit the human world to get their essential foods which is the blood.

And that's how our boy Hanagaki Takemichi got in to the other world known as VAMWILION the realm of Vampires.

A car is driving through a secluded area, the scenerio is very beautiful you can see the mountains, trees and a lot of new flowers.

This is the first time for Takemichi to see such beautiful place, after all he live in the cities and never get to visit the country side.

But what he didn't know is that his on another world and not on his own world after he pass the border that teleports one person to another world.

You wouldn't notice that you got teleported if it is your first time to pass from another world to another.

Takemichi is a dense one of a human that don't get suspicious by where he is or who he is talking too.

His just too friendly and kind that made others take advantage of him more, like those bastards in his middle school who likes to bully anf touch his body just for fun. (They didn't do it)

The car stops beside a huge gate that looks like from ages ago but it's still beautiful for it's steel material.

Takemichi bowed at the driver, thanking him before the car left him infront of the gate. Letting out his nervousness Takemichi entered the gate when the rain started pouring as he run towards the main entrance to the mansion.

"Phew that was close." Takemichi muttured as he place his luggage beside him and face the huge double oak door knocking on it.

However no one answered him, he knocked again louder this time. But just like the first one no one answered making Takemichi pouted.

'Do they don't know I'm coming?'

Takemichi decided to just walked in not minding his manners now for he just got ignore. He was about to grab the knob when the door magically opened surprissing him.

Takemichi shrug the bad feeling off as he entered the mansion dragging his luggage inside. His eyes roam around the interior and is amaze by such detailed structure that made his eyes sparkles.

"WOW!" He exclaimed as he walked towards the stairs touching it.

He was about to go upstairs when he felt a pressence behind him. He turn around to see a blonde boy with emerald sniffing him then grin coming closer to Takemichi who step back.

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