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Ship(s): Ryuguji Ken x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut


Ryuguji Ken have been with Hanagaki Takemichi for three long years after a very unpleasant accident happened when they are in high school.

Draken was about to die that time and thankfully he fought up and survive the three bullets that have pierce through his body.

He can't just let the one he love be sad right? Draken want to fought the death and be with his beloved Takemichi longer.

And from those three years of being together, Draken is the one who always initiate everything, be it kissing, making love or skin to skin contact with Takemichi, of course the younger one also initiate when they are alone.

And his too shy to initiate any skin ship when in public except if his jealous when girls stare at his boyfriend of course. Takemichi would always cling to Draken all the time and give glare to the girls or sometimes boys.

But never in Draken's life have he seen his cute and shy Takemichi would be the first to want sex, of course they always do it but he never seen Takemichi all man up and dominate Draken.

What would his reaction when Takemichi is the one who initiate to have sex? Of course like the others he got turn on very much.

It is twelve in the morning, everything is dark and no one should be awake by now except if you are an office worker or your job is at night.

But on that very time, a blonde teenage boy is wide awake feeling horny and wanted to be wrecked by his boyfriend. However the thing is, his boyfriend is fast asleep and can't be woken up so he need to do all the job ny himself.

Yeah Hanagaki Takemichi will be the one to do all the job because of his horniness and he can't pleasure himself alone. Takemichi needs Draken's all mighty cock be it if his awake or not, no one will stop him.

Taking a peek on his sleeping boyfriend's face, Takemichi trailed his fingers down Draken's tone chest seeing all the scars he got from those bullets and knife.

"What are you doing?" Takemichi look up to see a yawning Draken staring at him with his sleepy eyes. "I feel guilty about this."

"You don't need to, you know it is not your fault." Draken said scooping up Takemichi and kay him down on his chest as he wanted to drift back to sleep.

"I'm horny." Draken shot his eyes open, feeling like his hearing have gone bad for he heard Takemichi clearly saying his horny in the middle of the night.

"Excuse me what?" Takemichi pouted and rub his ass to Draken's lower area to create friction as he is a bit needy today. "I said I'm horny."

"If you don't want it, I will do all the job." Takemichi added and went down to Draken's already standing rod from all those rubbing and of course from Takemichi's horniness.

Takemichi stared at it for a few seconds before giggling as he rub it through the fabric with his hands that made Draken groan and unsatisfied. His boyfriend is only rubbing it through the fabric and he can't do anything for he knows he will get restrains later on.

A few more rubs after Takemichi decided to take it out of it's cage and let it free as it stand tall and proudly. Being a big guy Draken have many advantage, he can win a fight and can scare off anyone else.

But there is something that Takemichi like— no lust for except for his good, caring, kind and loving personality is Draken's junior or Kenken if Takemichi says so.

It never gets old to Takemichi how long and thick Draken's member is that always rip his tiny hole up everytime they do it.

"Are you just gonna stare at it?" Draken asked irritated that Takemichu isn't giving him the pleasure he wanted.

Takemichi's expression turn into an uninterested look as he put his hand around the long rod before giving it a squeeze as Draken groan in pleasure and pain. "I do what I want and you don't have a say on this, or do you want me to not let you cum and touch me for a month?"

Draken's shock at Takemichi's sudden change of personality, he have seen this kind of Takemichi but it is very rare for Takemichi is someone cheerful and don't usually get angry or annoyed.

The big guy just shut his mouth up, he still want to cum inside Takemichi and also want to touch his little boyfriend everyday.

"Good boy." Takemichi smiled as he started pleasuring Draken by pumping his hand up in down of the older's shaft.

A groan was heard from Draken when Takemichi pump it in a fast pace and giving it kitten licks that Draken likes especially on his tip part.

A little more of pleasuring, Takemichi felt that Draken is about to release, retreating his hand and mouth away from the throbbing cock of the groaning man.

"Michi~" Draken whine feeling the loss of exploding his cum on Takemichi's bare face and also feeling loss at the pleasure.

"Don't worry, I'll give you more." Takemichi grin slyly seducing Draken even more as he take off his shirt while on top of his boyfriend rubbing the steady member.

"I'll give the best show tonight and it is only for you."

Next chapter Kitty/ smut & fluff/ Kazutora x Takemichi x Chifuyu

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Next chapter Kitty/ smut & fluff/ Kazutora x Takemichi x Chifuyu

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