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Ships: Akashi Takeomi x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut

【Like the chapter of Shinichiro and Wakasa, we are making Takemichi their age because we don't want any complains of Takeomi being a pedo, they are 29 years old here】


Akashi Takeomi or knows as the god of war and the vice president of black dragon is seen to be a cold man.

He always stick to Sano Shinichiro and he is someone who don't talk to anyone even if you make a small talk with him.

However how did someone like a club member got his attention? Well what can Hanagaki Takemichi say, his too sexy that even the cold god took interest in him.

Hanagaki Takemichi is Sano Shinichiro's cousin and live with him with his siblings after Takemichi's father died because of a car accident.

For the past years of Takemichi living with the Sano, he never really saw Shinichiro's friends since his always on his work of being a waiter at a club.

Shinichiro never knew about his job and he keep it a secret or the black hair will make him stop, for the man is known of being over protective towards his siblings and Michi.

Takeomi have heard about this mysterious cousin of his bestfriend but it never peek his interest and don't want to know this cousin.

Not until they both meet at a club where Takeomi, Wakasa and Keizo always go when Shinichiro is not with them either with his siblings or at the shop.

Takemichi as usual is at the club serving some pervert old mans who don't know the word of keep your hands in your pants. It disgust him but what can he do, this is the only job he can take and have big salary.

The blonde don't want to be a burden to the Sano family so he decided to work but not a single shop or store are hiring except for a newly opened club. But that was two years ago and it have been also two years that Takemichi works here.

However he didn't know that the friends of his cousing always go here for a drink or to cool of their mind.

And it was never his bas decision to meet him.

As he is delivering drinks to the customers who keeps their eyes on him. Being the sexy waiter he is and more sexier than those dancers at stage he always got the attention of every man in the club.

It was also his advantage to get a bigger salary than the normal ones.

Takemichi stopped at a table handing the three man a drink, he caught a glimpse of a man smoking with a scar on his right eye checking him out.

And being the flirty one he is, and also the man is really his type, he wink at him before proceeding to the counter to get more order swaying his hips as he walk.

Takeomi noticed the sexy waiter as he check him out. His smirk widen after the waiter left winking at him and swaying his hips to make him notice.

"Did Takeomi the great just got interested at someone!" Keizo joked with a gasp as Wakasa joined him teasing the older one.

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