•ೋ°Not your Ideal°ೋ•

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Ship(s): Hanemiya Kazutora x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Angst

Short one


Loving a criminal is very hard.

That's what Takemichi is experiencing right now. He don't know why but when he meet Kazutora for the first time when they were twelve, he instantly fell in love with him.

However he knows that Kazutora only like Baji who save him from his father.

Takemichi knows that for Baji and him are childhood friends and he always look up to the black hair fanged boy who is very aggresive but gentle on the inside.

Still knowing his not Kazutora's Ideal Type he pursue his desire, helping Kazutora at everything even rubbing Shinichiro's motor bike shop to get Mikey a gift even though he knew it's Mikey's older brother's shop.

Takemichi covered up Kazutora's fault, saying he hit the older one. They both went to juvenile for two years. Takemichi wishes Kazutora would look on his way but his wishes were still not answered.

After Two years:

"It's been a while since I've gone outside." Takemichi breath in the fresh air of the busy town. He and Kazutora finely got out if the juv and Takemichi's first plan is to take Kazutora for a date.

However their plan changes when the other one wants to meet the one he admired the most even though it pains Takemichi, like a knife stabbing his heart, he still agreed on going.

'Soon you will know how I truely feel.'

This isn't what he is expecting after getting out of the prison. He wanted to live a normal life gaining his love one's affection but why did this happen?

Toman and Valhalla is on war, Kazutora wanted revenge on Mikey and Mikey also wants revenge. Baji is on Valhalla and Toman wants him back.

This happenings is so mess up that Takemichi even space out for a bit thinking of a way to save Kazutora again.

Then something caught Takemichi's attention, it was Kazutora pulling out a knife to stab Baji. Not wanting for the boy to go back to that hell hole he run towards Baji shielding him from the stab.

Everyone is in shock. No one expected this not even Baji nor Kazutora. Their childhood friend standing infront of them taking the stab that was suppose to be for Baji.

"Takemichi why?" Kazutora asked his voice was shaking.

Takemichi just smiled as he brought his hands to Kazutora's cheek wiping the tears flowing down his beautiful face. "Because I love you, I would do anything just to save and protect you even if it cost my life."

Kazutora was speechless, his eyes followed Takemichi's body that slowly fall down to the ground with Baji catching him. "Baji-san please take care of Tora-kun for me."

"Don't say something like your gonna die Hana, you are still my friend and I promise to protect you like what auntie wanted." Baji spoke holding Takemichi hand while his other one is covering the stab to stop it from bleeding more.

"It's okay, I already accepted my faith... You know Baji-san, Tora-kun likes you so please make him happy for you are his ideal type."

"What about you?"

"Of course it hurts me when seeing him happy with someone else but if Tora-kun is happy then I am also happy for I am just his friend and you are his love one." Takemichi's breathing is slowly decreasing as you can hear his constant coughing anf spitting out of blood.

Kazutora scooted towards Takemichi who smiled at him still caressing his cheeks that is still flowing with tears. "I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry, I know that you always back me up but I keep on ignoring them, I'm sorry because of wanting attention from others I ignored the attention you gave me... I'm so so sorry, please don't leave me."

"I can't stay, Tora-kun, but you will always and forever be my one and only true love."

With those last words, Takemichi's eyes closed as his hand slowly fall down which Kazutora stopped putting it back on his checks as he cried out calling Takemichi's name and waking him up but since dead can not respond he didn't get any sound from his dead friend.

12 years later:

"Hey Takemichi, I'm here again."

Kazutora always visits Takemichi's grave every weekend telling him stories about what happened to his daily life and also telling him the things he wanted to do.

"It's been twelve years and you know Baji and Matsuno-kun is getting married, isn't that exciting." Kazutora lightly laughed but his small smile turn to a frown. "It's also been twelve years since you died, and even though you said I should get a boyfriend or girlfriend but I still can't."

A tears shed from his eyes, caressing tge tomb infront of him kneeling as if he is hugging it. "Your words were ingraved to my heart,

I also love you always and forever."

Sorry if it's a bit shitty story

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Sorry if it's a bit shitty story

Next chapter Yandere's Love/angst/ Ran x Takemichi

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