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Ship(s): Kokonoi Hajime x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Angst


After leaving the penthouse, Takemichi straightly went to Takuya who welcomed him with open arms, happy to see his bestfriend again after so many years.

Takemichi decided to live with Takuya and find a job for him to buy his own house, since he does not want to be a burden to Takuya.

"Nonesense, you will not be a burden to me Takemichi, me, Akkun, Yamagishi, and Makoto will always support you."

At those words, Takemichi can't help but cry. How can he abandon such good friends, who will always support him even though his a dumbass at making decisions.

His friend hugged him tryinh to calm him down from his stress and sadness that turn into a cry. They stayed at the position for a bit before Takuya carried Takemichi inside who fell asleep due to tiredness.

Koko still haven't got any news from his people of finding Takemichi, they search Tokyo and his wife haven't left the city through plane or he will get news about it.

He is drowning himself on alcohol right now, muttering some unheard words crying about Takemichi leaving him.

Inui saw his state and sighed before taking the bottle of vodka away from his friend who glared at his pressence and also at his action.

"Inupi! Why take it!?" Koko shouted sounding all broken with his voice cracking every time word he spoke.

"Takemichi really did made the right decision." Inui said knowing all the situation the happened between the married couple after hearing it from Ran.

"What's that suppose to mean!" Koko made a fuss throwing pillows at Inui who dodge them with ease still giving his bestfriend a glare. "J-just leave if you just want to criticize me, I'm already in pain."

Inui can see Koko's eyes full of regret, despair and longing for Takemichi that he also haven't got any news from.

He thought that Takemichi would come to him after hearing the newd but guess his wrong and now the divorced wife is hidding somewhere.

Koko just keep on looking at the picture Takemichi left on purpose. A picture of their wedding day where Takemichi is smiling beautifully while he is looking away with a frown.

Now the guilt is getting more and more bigger as the time pass by, and all those memories he mistreated and took Takemichi's kindness for granted is hunting him.

'My Love, where are you?'

༺6 Years Later༻

A bakeshop in the outskirts of Tokyo is pack with costumers who like it's desserts and drinks that is very popular around the town and also the owner.

Takemichi is finally living his life peacefully without being held down by someone or something. He opened his own cafe 5 years ago after settling down on his own house he bought with his savings and also his money from Koko.

And those 6 years of divorce Takemichi haven't heard any news from his ex-husband, Inui or Ran for he cut off communicatiom with them changing his number.

He knows that if he get on contact with them, Koko will only appear on his mind again and maybe the man will get angry at him for filing a divorce without his consent.

Right now, Takemichi is busy assisting his costumer and didn't even know who entered his cafe.

"Welcome to Hana's Cafe, may I take your order?"

Upon looking up to talk with his costumer, he saw a very familiar face that he never wanted to see again after what happened to him.

"So you were here my lovely Takemichi."

The man's tone of voice was so cold that it sent shiver down his spine, those cold and lifeless eyes are staring down at him with longingness, despair and guilt that he didn't see when he was by his side.

"Mr. Kokonoi, what a surprise, may I take your order?"

Acting as if they are just acquaintance and give him a fake smile really hurts Koko's feeling.

"Come back with me."

Koko sincerely ordered, but Takemichi just glared at him and shook his head a no.

"We already divorce."

"Well a divorce is not a divorce if the other party didn't sign the paper."

Koko insisted, who just smirked at Takemichi's shock. Now that he found him, he will never ever going to let him ago ever again.

Even if he lock Takemichi up he doesn't care as long as his beloved is beside him, he will do anything, and by anything it means every method he can think of.

"Don't think of running away from me again Ta-ke-mi-chi~"

Ohh, this story became more and more interesting don't you think, unfortunately I won't do part 4 😣

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Ohh, this story became more and more interesting don't you think, unfortunately I won't do part 4 😣

I won't announce what ship will be for the next chapter and sorry if it is short, see ya❣️

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