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Ships: Bonten x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff


Who would have thought that someone as Bonten the most powerful, fearsome and gruesome criminal organization would fall in love with a nobody especially a florist named Hanagaki Takemichi.

A normal day for Bonten as another rat have crawled in to their trap, a pink mullet haired guy swallowed his pills after taking care of those pest called traitors.

After cleaning up, it is time for them to go back to their penthouse. Driving through the town, their boss or should I say king saw something that got his attention. "Stop the car." He ordered.

A long wavy purple mullet with dark ones on top haired guy stopped the car at his kings order. Exiting the car Sano Manjiro or well known as Mikey walk towards a flower shop.

Sunflower Bells is the name of the flower shop as the letters are painted with colorful colors such as blue and green. It also seem that the shop is a popular one for it have many costumers inside.

Mikey walk in to see a bunch of different flowers and costumers who are more interested in the florist than to the flowers in display. Oh such poor flowers the florist is more prettier than them.

"What can I get for you gentlemen?"

*cough* they are not gentle *cough*

A short man, shorter than Mikeu by inch asked him when he noticed the newly arrived costumer. The florist have such a beautiful feature, he have a sunflower colored hair with a blue eyes that the ocean can't win, and to finish it all up is his warm smile.

"Do you have a yellow flower?" Mikey asked, he don't know why he choose a yellow flower when he isn't happy in his life.

The florist smiled and nodded before taking Mikey to the aisle where the yellow flowers are out, there are yellow bells, yellow tulips and yellow rose on display. Mikey choose the yellow rose for he don't know what flower is more suited to discribe the florist.

"Can you make it into a bouquet?" Mikey again asked as the florist nodded, bundling up the roses into a beautiful bouquet.

It wasn't just Mikey who fall for the florist's beauty, it also seems that the five men behind their king also got interested by this pretty florist.

"I hope that the one you will give this flower to will have a joyful life." The florist stated beeming a warm smile that ourshines even the ray of the sun and they needed a sunglass to cover their eyes from the light.

"Thank you, can I know your name?" Mikey took the bouquet gently touching the white slender fingers of the florist giving tingles to Mikey's nerve.

"Its Hanagaki Takemichi, Michi for short dear costumer."

It seems that Bonten have taken a like to the florist named Takemichi, since the very day that Bonten meet the florist they always visit him after his work.

They also learned that Takemichi wanted to have a flower shop because of his grandmother's wish and also his love of learning the flower language.

Mikey was the one who is very close to Takemichi as he is becoming more and more close to him like he have knows the florist for years. What shock Bonten is that their King is being clingy to the flower shop owner however they don't mind it for they also want to be close to Takemichi.

Today is surprising for Takemichi for his everyday costumer which is Bonten haven't come to his shop. They must be really busy.

As Takemichi arranged the store for closing, three men in black suddenly went inside the store. This leave Takemichi confuse for the sign says close and no one come to his shop at this hour.

"What can I help you gentlemen?" Takemichi nicely asked keeping his guard up for this three men are looking so suspicious to his eyes for he can also see the guns ok their waist.

"Are you Hanagaki Takemichi?" One of them ask, looking down at Michi who just glared inwardly but gave the man a fake smile before nodding. "You are coming with us." The man sad about to grab Takemichi when he back flip avoiding the man.

"I don't have anything to do with you." Takemichi coldly snarled glaring at the three men who staryed attacking him.

The three men is too skilled for him and his shop will be a mess if they keep this up, Takemichi don't know what this men wants from him for all he knows is that he never have ties with mafias, gangs or organization.

Bonten on the other hand got the news of someone attacking their precious florist's shop. This made them mad, worried and anxious for they didn't expected that one of their enemy attacked the one that made their icy heart melts.

"Just who the fuck dare attack Michi!" Sanzu yelled for the third time as he keep on scolding Rindou to go faster.

When they got to the location, they saw Takemichi outside kneeling and exhausted from something as the three men in black with their guns pointed at him trying to get close to Takemichi.

Sanzu and Rindou didn't hesitate to fire their gun at the heads of two men. The firing gun scared Takemichi as he tremble fealing the fear he haven't experience for so long.

"Fucking bastards." Sanzu cursed telling his men to clean up this mess and tie up the one who is still alive for interogation.

Mikey stepped closer to Takemichi who instantly stepped back still scared at what might happen to him. This is notice by Mikey making him feel the guilt for not protecting the new light of his life from his enemy.

This is all his fault for getting near Takemichi and now the blonde's life is in danger because of them. It would be better if Takemichi live with them for his safety.

"Mitchy, don't be scared I won't hurt you." Mikey softly said, calming the florist in his arm who instantly feel the warmness of the hug snuggling at Mikey's small but protective figure.

"It would be better if you live with us for your safety."

Sorry If I change the upcoming story, I was in the middle of making Kisaki x Takemichi when my mind stoppes the idea and I was lost on what to do with it

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Sorry If I change the upcoming story, I was in the middle of making Kisaki x Takemichi when my mind stoppes the idea and I was lost on what to do with it.

Next chapter Umbrella/ fluff/ Male Senju x Takemichi

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