•ೋ°Back Alley°ೋ•

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Ships: Imaushi Wakasa x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut


Who would have thought that the one time thing will be done again.

Sweaty bodies, panting, moaning and groaning are all heard inside a private room at the bar. Their drunken minds didn't even care if they are stranger what matters is that they both are feeling the pleasure.

"You are so tight." The man on top commented thrusting hard and fast at the blonde one who keeps on moaning loudly.

He never gets to experience such pleasure in his whole life. Those one night stand of his didn't even gave him the pleasure he wanted while this man can make him cum for the fourth time now.

"Keep going... Ngh– Ahh~!" The blonde male arch his back when he felt the man on top on him entered him deep hitting his bundle of nerve again and again.

The multicolored man obeyed his command, as he went slow but deep as he keep on hitting the blonde's prostate getting him nearer and nearer. Until they both release their liquid that have been building up from their hook up session.

"So you are telling me that you want to meet that person again?" Yuzuha clearly not believing asked his blonde friend again who just nodded while staring in to space.

Takemichi told Yuzuha about the man who fuck him a week ago and his been daydreaming about him for about five days, clearly wanting to have him again.

Yuzuha stared at his friend like his unbelievable. For the first time his bestfriend wanted to have another fuck from someone he just one night stand.

For all Yuzuha knows, Takemichi is someone who wants to get fuck then leave without no trace or even communication with who he get hook up with.

Takemichi even ignored the second invitation of Kawaragi Senju for that man already have a girlfriend and Takemichi don't like those kinds of hooks up who have girlfriends but want to fuck someone else.

"Are you out of your mind? Or did something possessed you?" Yuzuha keep on shaking and slapping Takemichi who just glared at her slapping her hands away.

"I am perfectly and beautifully fine." The answer made Yuzuha rolled her eyes and just went back to eating her strawberry frappe.

"Hina invided us again to go to her party later on, maybe you'll meet him there again after all you met him a week ago when Hina throwed that party." Yuzuha informed while Takemichi just hummed in agreement already planning on what to wear.

Wearing a crop top blue off shoulder with a pair of black mini skirt that ends on his mid thigh pairing it with a black high heels boots.

Takemichi checked hisself in the mirror, whistling on how sexy he is  before grabbing his handbag and leaving his apartment. There he saw his friend Yuzuha waiting for him at her car, she is wearing a red bo sleeve crop top and blue jeans with a pair of small heels sandal.

"You look gorgeous." Takemichi complemented smirking at his friend checking her out up and down. "Are you going to get Mitsuya to fuck you up later on?"

"Dumbass, of course not.... but maybe." Yuzuha chuckled shrugging off as they both enter the car ready to set off to the bar Emma's brother own where Hina will throw her party.

When they arrive, party music is heard even though they are still outside, new and old faces were seen as Takemichi waved to those who he is aaquintance to.

Yuzuha and him just arrived and already some guys are trying to hit on them but were all shooed away by Mitsuya who came to fetch his girlfriend up.

"I'll leave you two alone." Takemichi said leaving the lovers to have their own loving time.

"Don't get into trouble." Mitsuya reminded for he knows how troublemaker Takemichi is. "And try to keep on getting lesser hook ups." Yuzuha added.

Takemichi just giggled and nodded but of course he won't obey those two. Going to the dance floor is the first on Takemichi's list On how to attract handsome men.

As he is now in the dance floor, his eyes caught something that turn his joyful mood into an irritate one. And the reason is that his obssessive one night stand last last time is here, that is right Senju is here and surprissingly his noisy girlfriend isn't with him.

"Takemichi I'm glad you are here." Senju greeted smiling at the frowning blonde who is about to leave but got stop by him.

"What do you need Senju?" Takemichi asked clearly not interested in the white haired male.

"Are you still free?" Takemichi looked at him with disgust. Senju have the audacity to asked if he is free when he clearly have a girlfriend to fuck with all he wants.

It is one of Takemichi's list, and its to not hook up with someone who have a girlfriend.

Both of them argue for a bit and it us getting on Takemichi's nerve, he is about to leave when again Senju stopped him but someone interfeered.

Takemichi look up to see the guy a week ago standing in front of him protecting him from Senju. And surprisingly he made Senju go away. Takemichi sighed in relief however he was then being pulled by the man.

They stopped at the back alley outside the bar, it was a narrow alley way and it has no one there. This confuses Takemichi for bit but them felt the man's lips on him.

Without saying anything Wakasa kissed Takemichi with full of lust and jealousy. His jealous because the one his been longing for is close with his friend's brother and the information of Senju was able to fuck Takemichi anger Wakasa more.

"Your mine." Wakasa muttured before ripping Takemichi's skirt as the blonde gasp at the sudden cold wind touching his member. "I'm the only one who gets to fuck you."

Takemichi moaned at those possessiveness Wakasa is showing him. He don't know why but he don't hate it  when he usually hate it if someone claim him without permission.

Without hesitation, Wakasa entered the tight hole he once entered groaning at the contact. Takemichi's moan linger on Wakasa's ears getting him more turn on as his thrust fasten up.

Moaning, groaning, panting and skin slapping are the only thing can be heard in the alley, as their session went on and on. Takemichi have losse the track of time on how long they have been in the back of the bar fucking with no care.

Wakasa finally reach his limits shoting load inside the blonde's hole who moan at the hot liquid inside of him, thinking about keeping it forever.

"That was nice, how about a round 2?"

"That was nice, how about a round 2?"

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