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Ship(s): Kokonoi Hajime x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Angst


Takemichi woke up from his deep slumber after falling asleep while crying hard last night. He have also called Ran to file a divorce agreement for him since his too exhausted to go.

A knock was heard in the penthouse as the raven hair tiredly walk towards it, opening it just to reveal a worried Ran outside with an envelope on hand. "Michi! Look at you! What happened?"

Takemichi just smiled before letting Ran enter inside, asking if he wants tea or coffee and being typical overnighter, the older chooses coffee to let him stay awake and take care of his dear friend.

"Did you get what I told you?" Takemichi ask putting the coffee on the table before sitting beside Ran who nodded his head, handing the envelope.

"Are you sure about this? You know that Koko can use his money to not let this be permited." Ran said sipping his coffee.

"Don't worry, I will leave before he gets home. I know his in the usual hotel all drunk fucking other woman or man." Ran shivered at the new tone he heard from someone as sweet and kind as Takemichi.

It was like the same with Mikey when he order them, it was cold, and dark with no emotions, just a tone of voice that is very rare to be heard from someone like Takemichi who have such sweet tone when speaking.

There's nothing Ran can do to ease the hurt from his friend's heart for even if he likes the man, he knows that Takemichi still love Koko even if he wants to divorce the money maker. He can't do anything but just comfort and give a shoulder for Takemichi to cry on, to tell him that he is not alone and he is by his side.

After talking with each other, Ran left Takemichi for he still have task to do regarding about Bonten and it needs to be done right away. It is still seven in the morning, Takemichi decided to take a quick shower before packing his things.

He have already signed the divorce papers and also write a note for Koko to read later on if he gets confuse with the papers on the table. After taking a shower, Takemichi started packing his clothes and also leaving the things Koko have bought for him.

If he bring it along with him, he will only be reminded of Koko and all those fake happy days the man spend with him. He wanted to leave all traces that can reminded him of Koko so that he can live in peace someday.

When everything is all done, Takemichi place the papers and note on the coffee table, before leaving the penthouse with all his luggage in hand. He already have somewhere to stay for a while before he find a proper job.

Takemichi wish that when Koko came back home, he will sign the paper immediately to brake the string between them as a married couple for the both of them can live peacefully.

Koko entered the penthouse exhausted, head aching from drinking too much last night. He slept with some woman again and he wish Takemichi won't find this out or Koko will get another ignore from his wife.

"Michi I'm home!" He called but no one answered.

Koko take his shoes off and walk towards their shared bedroom first, opening the door it only welcome him with an empty bed and open curtains that let the sunlight light up the room. He panicked, he walk towards the bathroom then to thr kitchen then to the living toom where he saw a paper.

He read the note Takemichi left.

Dear Husband

I'm sorry for all the burden I cause and being a nuisance to you, I heard what you, Sanzu and Rindou talked about last night at the usual bar of me being a replacement to Akane-san for having the same feature as her. I know that even though you are kind to me, you will always see me as a substitute and can't love me back. So I have decided to file a divorce and leave to let my heart heal and also to set you free, I hope you will find someone that can love you more than I do and please sign the divorce.

From Your Wife

Koko didn't notice that he have already shed a tear reading the note, he quickly open the envelope and read the contents just to see Takemichi's signature at the end waiting for his.

He unconciously tear the divorce paper and hurriedly call for his people to search the whole city and find Takemichi. Koko needs Takemichi and he only discovered this today after he left him.

Koko thought that he only married Takemichi because of Akane but he was so wrong, his heart wanted to love Takemichi but his mind stopped him saying that he should only love his first love and no one else.

He listened to his mind than hid heart and ignore Takemichi every single day, buying things he thought Takemichi might like but his wife only wants his affections and nothing else.

And Koko now knows that, he needs to find Takemichi and apologize to him and tell him that,,,


Loves his one and only Wife Takemichi

Next chapter Truth/ angst/ Senju x Takemichi

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