•ೋ°Takemichi in Bonten°ೋ•

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Ship(s): Bonten x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Funny/Fluff


[Bonten in a nutshell]


Sanzu just got back from going out and Takemichi is waiting at him in the front door.

Takemichi: Are you drunk?

Sanzu: I'm not drunk

Takemichi: Can you tell the time?

Sanzu:[looks at the clock] I am not fucking drunk!

Haitani Bro:[laughing at the back]

Kakucho: Dumbass




Bonten are eating in the dinning room when Mikey asked Takemichi about something.

Mikey: Takemitchy who do you like more?

Takemichi: That's a strange question Mikey-kun.

Mikey: Just answer it Takemitchy [pouts]

{Mikey's mind: It's me that for sure!}

{Ran's mind: I hope it's me}

{Rindou's mind: I'm hoping it's me but brother will make a fuss about it and Boss will kill me.}

{Kakucho's mind: I'm his childhood friend}

{Koko's mind: Inupi will kill me if he know that Takemichi likes me more}

{Sanzu's mind: It's definitely not me🙄}

Takemichi: Hmmm... It's Sanzu for sure!

Bonten: Wha!!! WHAT!!!!

Rindou: Why Sanzu Michi?

Takemichi: Because his cute when I tease him and his always so funny when his on drugs[giggles]

A sudden three gunshots were heard as Koko and Rindou paled up when bullets came flying towards Sanzu who is in between them.

Mikey: You motherfucker Sanzu don't dodge the bullets!

Takemichi:[giggles] Their making chaos! [claps]

Takeomi:[sigh] Don't tell me you said that to make this.

Takemichi:[pouts] You're wrong Omi-san I was telling the truth I like Sanzu more.

Well let's just say that everyone was mad at Sanzu, and Sanzu himself took shelter at Takemichi's room who is hugging him all the time like a pillow that makes everyone more frustrated and jealous.



It was a normal day in Bonten's hide out until Takemichi came into the room crying.

Mikey: What's wrong Mitchy?

Takemichi ignored him and went to Sanzu, hurting Mikey's feelings.

Takemichi: Take responsibility!

Sanzu: What is it this time?[annoyed]

Koko: What did Sanzu do to you Mitchy?

Takemichi:[sobs] He... He made me pregnant!

Bonten: WHAAAATT!!!

Mikey: SANZU!!!

Sanzu: I swear I didn't touch him! I didn't even try to fuck him.

Takemichi: Then why did I throw up after eating the pills you always ate?

Kakucho:[sigh] His drunk.

Koko: Yeah he is, we already know that he can't take those drugs like Sanzu and Rindou does.

Rindou: Hey I do not take those pills everyday!

Takemichi: But... Who will be the father of my baby!?

Mikey: I can be the father!

Takemichi: Mikey you shut up.

Well Takemichi forced Sanzu that he is pregnat and the pinkette should be the father while ignoring Mikey at the corner crying about Takemichi rejecting him.


I don't know why i made this but it came to mind HAHAHAHAHA, hope you enjoyed cause I did

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