•ೋ°Partners In Crime°ೋ•

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Ship(s): Tachibana Naoto x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut


We were once the protector of justice. But because of someone's lies, we were forced to leave the job that we love, we were criticized by many for doinh a crime we didn't do.

And thanks to them, we became what we are now, wealthy, healthy, and powerful. Everyone bowed down to us, everyone wants to be our friend, everyone wants us for money.

Still who are they fooling? Me giving them money just because they called theirselves as my friend. Just a one shot from my gun can make them sleep for eternity.


I was suddenly taken back from my daydreaming when my partner in crime called for me. Tachibana Naoto have been my boyfriend for half a year now, after someone blame us leading to us getting criticize, we helped each other to get our revenge from those people who lool down on us half a year ago.

"Yes my dear?" I asked before checking the files again that Hina-chan have brought to me a while ago.

"I'm horny." This is not really a shocking thing for me when I always get to hear his constant whinning about me not giving him enough attention when he just wanted to fuck.

"I'm busy."

I turn back to arranging the files when suddenly someone took them away from my hands and hide it inside the drawer. I look up at Naoto with disbelief and annoyance when he suddenly scopped me up in his arms then throwing me to our shared bed.

"I'm getting impatient baby, you know how my mood turns right?" He threatened. I of course know that he will do me none stop if I refuse his request again and I don't want that to happen for we still have many transactions tomorrow.

I was about to calm Naoto down when he suddenly ripped off my suit leaving me half naked, my nipples are hard the same with member. Naoto just smirk and licked his lips like a predator eying his prey which is me.

Naoto started lappibg my nipples, bitting, sucking and squeezing them like a baby hungry for milk form their mother's breast. My hands just wander towards his black locks pulling his air when he keep on bitting my nipples and locking my legs on his hips.

"I~ want to ride you~" I suggested with hearts on my eyes. I don't know why I am always like a bunny in heat when it comes to Naoto pleasuring me.

Its like I have been drug by those gorgeous grey eyes luring me into an endless pleasure. I can see Naoto's lips curve and turn us with me on top of his groin as he held my hips tightly, maybe it even might leave some marks later on.

"Pleasure me and I will decide if you can walk or not tomorrow." This guy is really a devil in disguise.

But two can play a one game. I started rubbing my ass on his hard and suffocated member making him groan at the hard press his feeling in his rod. Unzipping and taking off his pants and boxers were easy with him lifting his hips still with me on top of him.

"Poor Naoto junior, gets suffocated by such fabric." I teased giving his head a lick before positioning it on my ass. I am getting impatient and also horny at the same time which is half good half bad.

It was suppose to be slow insert but Naoto suddenly lift his hips up thrusting his cock in me making me yelp and moan at the same time because of pelasure and sudden entering of such massive and hard cock. Without further ado I started bouncing up and down on his cock riding it with passion, he held my hips tightly bring me down with his thrust making his cock reach to my deepest part.

I especially love deep and hard fuck for it brings me to oblivion of pleasure, I love seeing white ans stars everytime me and Naoti fuck and he knows that too for he is the one who make me addicted to that kind of s*x.

He keep on thrusting his hips up and bringing me so hard down meeting up with his rythm that makes me moan really loud. "Yes moan louder, let everyone know that your a slut who loves Tachibana Naoto's cock."

Naoto's dirty talking almost made me cum when he suddenly pull out and flip us with me underneath him and my legs up on his shoulder. He then enter my hole again fast and hard, almost breaking my vocal chords when I moan very loud.

He keep his pace this way, fucking me hard and fast in different positions. And everyone knows that I will be needing a wheelchair tomorrow or I will really fall just taking a one step.

We know that being criminal will lead us to something dangerous in the near future but being together will make us invincibles for love will conquer everthing.

We know that being criminal will lead us to something dangerous in the near future but being together will make us invincibles for love will conquer everthing

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