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Ships: Mitsuya Takashi x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Fluff, Angst and Smut


You know every relationship have a hole that can easily ruin it. For instant like what happened to Mitsuya Takashi and Hanagaki Takemichi.

It was Takashi's fault for ignoring Takemichi while he cheerfully chatted with a female customer who seemingly is giving Takashi a view of her melons.

This irritated Takemichi and also ignored Takashi for the whole day. When they both got home, their quarrels started leading to what is happening now.

Takemichi haven't come home for the past week and Takashi is becoming more and more crazy about not having his blonde on his side every night or morning.

The house they both lived in was a mess, stuff was on the floor, broken glasses and many more. Takashi also haven't gone to work or make a new design because of his missing part of his heart.

Takashi also tried calling Takemichi but the black haired uke always reject it.

On the other hand, Takemichi have been staying with Hinata and Emma for the past week. The three of them wanted to stay at one house when they finishes college but Takashi opposses.

Takemichi wants to let his boyfriend know that what he did is so wrong and it can ruin their relationship. He is someone who is attentive, observant and an advance thinker.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" Hinata asked pointing at Takemichi's phone which keeps on ringing for the nth time of the week.

Takemichi just sighed, picking up his phone and left the girls on the living room as he went to the balcony.

What do you want?❜ Takemichi asked irritated is clear on his voice.

I want to meet up with you... Please I just can't take it anymore.❞ Takashi answered with a sniff that froze Takemichi up.

Takemichi didn't plan to make Takashi cry but to make his regret. He really need to also say sorry for being such a drama queen.

Fine, let's meet at the park.❜ Takemichi answered before ending the call as he walk back inside to the living room.

Hinata and Emma heard their short conversation and just watch their friend went upstairs, then a minute or two Takemichi is already dress up.

The raven hair just left without even saying goodbye gaining a mad Emma who cursed at him while Hinata sweatdrop.

Takashi arrived at the park, immediately searched for his boyfriend who he spotted at the swing talking to some guy.

This made him furious as he stump towards them before pulling Takemichi away from the guy hugging him tight while glaring.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend?" Takashi asked furiously glaring at the man who seems confuse at what Takashi is doing.

"Dumbass." Takemichi snickered before hitting Takashi on his head with a chop giggling at the jealous man. "His a foreigner and don't know where to go." Takemichi added as Takashi understand making him a bit embarrassed.

"I'm sorry about that." Takashi apologize to the foreigner who shake his head no before thanking Takemichi about the direction.

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