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Ship(s): Matsuno Chifuyu x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Angst

This will be a first person pov


Me and Chifuyu have been dating for about two years now and our relationship is really well. We always have time for each other and show our love everyday.

However when Chifuyu got recruited into this gang called Toman by Baji-san, his time for me decreases. His always with Baji-san and just go around Tokyo to patrol their territory, he always rejected by plans on having date on the weekend with this ridiculous excuses.

It is getting more annoying when he will get angry when I reasoned out on how his time for me are not enough and he will always go saying 'You are crossing the line Michi, you know that I always have time for you'.

What bullshit is that, I ain't born yesterday to not know when he will have time for me or not. This relationship is really falling apart with him being so focus on Toman and forgot his responsibility as my boyfriend.

Our classes have finish and in this whole day of being on school I haven't seen my boyfriend even for a bit of second. Guess his with Baji-san again and hanging out with Toman to forgot our plan out date later one.

*sigh* I should really talk to him when I will see him.

Getting out of the campus, I saw Mikey-san at the gate with Draken-san waiting for someone. I ran up to them with a wave calling out their names to notice me.

I have known them when Chifuyu brought me one time on their meeting as he introduce his friends to me that day and well Mikey became attached to for I always brought him his favorite food.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked nearing them.

"Are we not allowed to wait for you?" Mikey asked pouting gaining every student's attention.

I pushed them out of the gate not wanting more attention and rumors about me cheating on Chifuyu for the other's don't know they are my friends. Also I spotted Chifuyu and Baji-san waiting for me outside my school.

"Did you four come here?" I asked going to Chifuyu and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

But what shock me when he avoided my kiss, he turn his head away from me that made me so confuse. Why did he avoid it? He always like my kisses and complain when I don't give him one.

Is he cheating on me that he don't want other girls to know he have a boyfriend? I look down and smiled before passing through them, ignoring Mikey's calls or should I say whine.

"Mitchy wait for me!" Mikey shouted catching up to me and cling on my arm, I gave him a smile before walking to a cafe with them not minding the glare from my back.

Third person pov:

After Mikey cling on Takemichi's arm he turn his head back before giving Chifuyu a glare then went back on talking with his precious friend.

"Why did you avoid his kisses?" Baji ask, he knows how his blonde friend really love Takemichi's kisses.

He also remember the time Chifuyu whine a lot complaining to him that his boyfriend forgot to give him a morning kiss and a goodbye kiss. Baji have to suffer from his friend's constant whining and complaining that he just want to punch him.

"I don't know, its been a while since I saw him and it is a bit surprising when he give me a kiss all of a sudden." Chifuyu responded following Baji who sighed at his friend's idiocity.

"You know I noticed that you forgot your responsibility of being a boyfriend to Take-chan, after you join Toman you give him less attention." Baji spoke taking out a lollipop from his pocket and open it. "Just because your in a gang doesn't mean you have to forget your responsibility to Take-chan, in the end you will be the one to suffer."

Chifuyu felt a thug in his heart hearing the last words Baji said to him. He knows that he is not giving Takemichi his attention and also forgetting about that he have a boyfriend who always worry. However he don't know why, is his love not the same like before?

Is his feelings vanishing away? What will he do when that time comes? Will he break off his relationship with Takemichi? Chifuyu don't know and just let fate handle the rest of this falling out of love relationship between him and Takemichi.

"What's gotten into you!?" Chifuyu shouted.

Right now he and Takemichi is on a fight with each other, they have just gotten back home from Toman's meeting. Chifuyu was mad knowing his boyfriend is flirting with his commander in front of him.

"What's gotten into me!? Hah! Ask yourself what happened to us." Takemichi fought back brushing his raven locks back as he stare right into Chifuyu's eyes. "Toman have been your priority and I bacame a nuisance to you just because I always show affection to you!"

"Chifuyu let me ask you one thing." Chifuyu brace himself on his boyfriend's upcoming question. "What's more important me or the gang?"

The blonde didn't answer, looking down not knowing what to answer. For him Takemichi is important but what about the gang? If he put his attention more in Takemichi then his division captain will have more task to do and he can't help Baji.

But if he put his attention on the gang then he can't focus on Takemichi and won't have enough time for him.

"I guess the gang is more important than me that it makes you think hard." Takemichi said, his keeping his self from crying in front of Chifuyu and wipping the unshed tears away from his eyes.


"Let's break up."

Next chapter Replacement 02/ angst/ Koko x Takemichi

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