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Ship(s): Akashi Takeomi x Fem! Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Angst

All of this version will be short, what version should I do next? Comment the character you want and also the genre be it smut, fluff or angst😉


"I'm pregnant"

Takeomi stiffened at the news his bestfriend told him. Takemichi and him have been bestfriend since elementary, the girl have been sticking to him like a leech.

He won't complain since he likes the presence of the raven haired, but when they started high school things started to change. Their relationship went from bestfriends to friends with benefits, they don't oppose this kind of relationship.

Yet now Takeomi made a grave mistake on getting his bestfriend pregnant when they are about to graduate college and live their life to whatever they want.

After graduation Takeomi decided to go around or help his friend Shinichiro at his bike shop and he also decided to break off his relationship with Takemichi for the greater good.

However how did it come to this? He didn't not plan on getting Takemichi pregnant, this is not in the plan of his.

Maybe its because he didn't wear protection a month ago and now his bestfriend told him she is pregnant for a month!

"Abort it."

Takemichi was shock at her bestfriend's response. She expected that he will help her raise the child and give him/her a life he/she deserve. A full and happy family who will love him/her until he/she is grown up.


"I said abort it, or you can keep it yourself." Takeomi plainly answered blowing the smoke out of his mouth after taking a breath of the cigarette.

Takeomi knows that Takemichi don't like the smell of cigarette as the girl started coughing and also glare at him wuth confusion. But he didn't stop and just breath in and out of the smoke.

"We did this Omi and now that's your response!" Takemichi shouted pointing at her belly, unshed tears are shown on her eyes, she is trying not to cry.

"We already talked about this Michi, no string attached relationship just sex."

"Then if you did not want a child why did you not use the condom I bought!? Cause you wanted to release inside of me? It's your fucking fault not mine!" She can't hold her tears anymore as ut shed down her face.

Takeomi stiffened again, he really hates it when he always see his bestfriend crying. He brought his arm to touch Takemichi's face and wipe those tears away when the girl slap his hand away from her before looking into his eyes with full of hate and disgust.

"Fine, I'll raise the child on my own and I hope I won't see your disgusting face ever again."

With that Takemichi left running away from Akashi household. Takeomi was about to chase after her when a punch was delivered on his face that even shock him more. He look up to see Wakasa who came with Takemichi a while ago glaring at him.

"Don't chase after her, from now on don't show your self in front of her or I will kill you."

Wakasa also left the man there, running to Takemichi and comfort him. Takeomi don't know what to do, his precious bestfriend now hates him and its his fault for being such a jerk.

3 years later

Takeomi stroll around the park to take a fresh air. He have been searching for Takemichi for the past 3 years even Shinichiro and Keizo won't tell him where she is.

He knows that the two have been visiting her for the past 3 years and know where she is, but that fucker named Wakasa threatened the two to not tell him or Shinichiro and Keizo won't see Takemichi again.

Being close to Takemichi the two don't want that to happen, to them Takemichi is like their sister and they are also mad at Takeomi but he is still their friends even though his a jerk.

A girl with black hair, appeared in front of Takeomi as she cup his cheeks before saying this words. "Don't be sad mister, Mama said that it will rain if you are gloomy."

"She also said that you are one with the sky and if you are sad the sky will be sad too and it will rain." The little girl finished with a smile, Takeomi was drawn in on her warm hands and smile.

He felt like Takemichi is the one who is touching him and he lean on the touch of the little girl who is about 3 or 4 years old. Takeomi smiled back at the child but heard a woman yelling looking for someone.

"Mama is calling me Bye mister!" The little girl ran to the lady who have the same hair but their eyes are different the little girl have the light green eyes while the lady have blue eyes.

Takeomi recognize the woman instantly as he ran to her before engulfing her in a hug with the little girl in the center.

Takemichi is taken back at the man who hugged her suddenly, but seeing the face of the man her mood turn sour as they parted away. She hugged her child tightly while glaring at Takeomi.

"Michi, where have you been I miss you." Takeomi exclaimed cupping Takemichi cheeks checking her whole body on how she is then averted his attention to the little girl. "Is she our daughter."

"Excuse me sir but she is MY daughter amd we don't need you in our life Akashi." The man felt a pang in his heart when Takemichi labeled the little girl as hers and also for calling him his last name.

"And my daughter don't need a father who wants her dead."

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