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【This is not a chapter, but i wanted to share this you guys.. I am still crying because of the latest chapter.】


The rain keep on falling, the sky is super dark as two figures stand on the ground still can't comprehend what happened a while ago.

Takemichi's body just stood there, his not trembling, his not crying which ia surprising. His frozen to the ground like his feet was nailed to it, he can't move a single muscle.

"Takemichi." Senju called also processing about what happened to Draken.

"Oh, ah yes?" Takemichi answered still staring at nowhere, his blaiming himself for Drakens death.

"You are the reasom why they died, it's all your fault that Draken died, you shouldn't have time leap back." Those whispers are what Takemichi only hear, Senju have been calling him but he didn't give her his attention.

He didn't even notice that Brahman showed up. Even Rokuhara Tandai maked their entranced but he didn't give them a single glance, he onlu stare in front of him. Eyes losing its shine.

Kakucho who just showed up notice his childhopd bestfriend behaviour, he knows what is making Takemichi look lioe that but what confuses him is the blonde isn't crying, and he also notice the shine in his eyes slowly fading away.

This made Kakucho worried for he don't expect that Draken would be the one to be killed when their main target is Takemichi.

"Your fault." This time it was Mikey's voice Takemichi heard, he trembled at sight of Mikey mad at him for not saving Draken. He wanted to cry and apologize but he can't, his tears that always fall won't even form.

The whistling sound of a motorcycle was heard, Takeomi knows this sound and the worse has yet to come. Senju on the other hand is confuse and bewildered by the fast happenings.

Takemichi also heard Mikey's motorbike as he averted his eyes towards where Mikey stop. Those jet black eyes with no shine, those eyes that can instantly kill you just by a glare.

"Mikey-kun." Takemichi whispered.

Mikey look around, he sees familiar faces on the crowd of two gang and he also see the blonde that shouldn't be here at the first place. After getting the new of Draken dying Mikey rush to the scene. He don't know why but the whispers in his heas keep on telling him to kill Takemichi for it is his fault.

Mikey walk between the two gangs, ignoring them as he went closer to where Takemichi is before punching the frozen blonde as he stumble back from the impact.

"Takemichi!" Senju shouted rushing to Takemichi's aid however Takeomi stopped her, the older knows that is someone interfeer they will die instantly.

Mikey look at Takemichi with pure hatred. "Didn't I told you to not come back. And now look what you've done! Ken-chin died because of you Hanagaki!"

Those words peirced to Takemichi hurt as he felt it ache at every single word Mikey said. Yeah it is all his fault that Draken died, it is all his fault why Baji, Emma and Izana died. He took everything from Mikey, he took Mikey's happiness, his family. He didn't save them, he should be the one who got shot.

"I'm sorry." Takemichi aopolgize, he should be crying right now but he didn't, he just stare at the ground with eyes that have no more light.

"Sorry? Can your sorry bring Ken-chin back! You should be the one who died not him!" To Takemichi mind, Mikey is right, he should be the one who died.

If he didn't meet everyone they wouldn't have died, Chifuyu and Kazutora would still be with Baji, Mikey would still have Emma, Draken and Izana by his side, if Takemichi didn't show up.

He should really pay all those cursed he brought to them. "I'm sorry." Takemichi apologized again which made Mikey more mad.

Mikey kicked Takemichi again and again, the two gangs can't move and just watch the scene unfold, they are all confuse what Mikey ment by coming back. However Terano South think that this is a great opportunity to kill Mikey.

Takemichi saw a glimpse of what Terano took out from his waist as a gun is pointed at Mikey before loud gun shots were heard.






Mikey eyes widen as blood splattered all over his face while a bloodied figure is in front of him taking all the bullets that was suppose for him. Takemichi's body fall back as the leader of Kanto Manji Gang catch him.

"TAKEMICHI!" Senju shouted before rushing to his new friend.

Brahman and Rokuhara Tandai froze on the spot, seeing the blonde hero getting all bloodied and is loosing a lot of blood. Senju tried to patch the whole on Takemichi's body to stop the blood flowing out.

Kakucho saw a glimpse of the past where Izana took the bullets for him like what Takemichi did to Mikey, rushing to his bestfriend side as he saw the Brahmam's boss crying keeping the blood flow in check.

However what hurted more is that Takemichi is smiling, his hand going up to hold Mikey's face even though it is full of blood staining Mikey's face.

"I'm sorry Mikey-kun, I know I shouldn't time leap back but I promise your future self to save you*cough*" Takemichi said coughing up blood.

"Stop talking Takemichi, your loosing a lot of blood." Senju scolded still keeping the holes in check while his brother is busy calling an ambulance.

"It's okay Senju-san, I wouldn't make it out." Takemichi smiled at white haired girl who keep on crying, devastated that her only friend will die in front her, they haven't made more memories together.

"Mikey-kun please take care of Hina for me, tell her I'm sorry that I couldn't keep my promise of marrying her and leaving her before our wedding."

Mikey's frozen state trembled, his losing another part of him and this time it was his fault. Takemichi can't leave him like the others did, Takemichi is someone strong and he will survive this, yeah Michi will survive this.

"I hope that the others won't cry because of Draken's death, tell them I'm sorry for not saving Draken-kun." Takemichi smiled staring at the sky who is crying heavy rain. "I wish you guys have a happy future."

"But it hurts that I won't be there with you."

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