•ೋ°Double Trouble°ೋ•

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Ship(s): Sano Shinichiro x Hanagaki Takemichi x Imaushi Wakasa

Category: Smut


"Shin-chan Waka-chan stop it~"

It all started when Takemichi wanted to watch a movie and made his two bestfriends pick on what they wanted to watch, being a troublemaker Shinichiro picked the Fifty shades of grey.

The two knows that their Takemichi is innocent and they want to take that away from him before those bastards always lurking and clinging(shin and waka is more clingy) to their crush.

Wakasa nodded, putting the disk on and the movie started with Takemichi in between Shinichiro and Wakasa who just smirk before putting their arms around Takemichi who is focus on the television eating the popcorn they bought.

On the middle of the movie, Takemichi have been restless after the first scene when the actress and actor did it. This is a first time for Takemichi to see a p*rn video, his never really interested in those.

However he didn't expect that his two bestfriends wanted to watch something like this, questions are jumbling inside Takemichi's mind wanting answers right away but can't ask.

Shinichiro and Wakasa noticed the constant squirming of their friend between them and gave each other a confirm smirk before putting their hands on Takemichi lap, rubbing it til near the blond's inner thigh.

"Shin-chan Waka-chan stop it~!" Takemichi suddenly moaned after shouting when Shinichiro and Wakasa's hand brush on his private part.

Shinichiro mischieviously smirk before entering his finger on Takemichi's short shorts, rubbing his clit on the process making the blonde's moan and lock his thigh together. But Wakasa quickly open it up and also entered his finger inside Takemichi shocking him at the process for he moaned loudly.

It turns on the two more, and another moan got out when Shinichiro also entered his finger on Takemichi's pussy. Both men's finger move in sync giving a lot of pleasure to Takemichi who surpress his moans not wanting for someone else to hear them and get himself embarrassed.

"Don't cover your moans Michi." Wakasa warned pinning Takemichi's arms on the side and giving his neck a lick before leaving traces of kisses. The two proceeded on giving Takemichi's body the pleasure they want him to experience.

"Just focus on the movie while we pleasure you Michi, if you get distracted we'll punish you." Shinichiro seductively whispered on Takemichi's ear that sends shiver down the  blonde's spine that it even turns him on more.

Takemichi right now if thinking on how can this two have such huge effect on him that can make him submit to them when his an easy to get person. Everyone who wantrd him have been rejected by him personally but he seem to can't reject this two perverts who always flirts with him, and make his heart beat rapidly.

He obeyed Shinichiro's command, Takemichi focused his gaze on the movie when his whole mind is focus on the fingers that keep enters his pussy and keep on pinching his clit. This is really hard for him to focus when those fingers work magic in him.

"P-please, I-I ca-can't~"

"What do you want Michi?"

"I-I-I want you two~!"

Hearing Takemichi's begged put on pleasure to the two's junior that it stood up hard, tall and proud that even them didn't know that can be this hard just by hearing Takemichi's begging voice. Of course they will do his request, how can they refuse such a rare beg from the stone heart Takemichi.

Wakasa is the first one to take Takemichi's short off giving them a clear view of his pussy that is very wet by their fingering. Both taller male lick their fingers and lips before Shinichiro went down and started to lick Takemichi clit. Wakasa on the other hand started lapping the blonde's nipple trying to milk it.

Takemichi moaned at the feeling of Shincihiro entering his tounge inside while Wakasa played with his nipple. This is all a first time for him to feel this kind of pleasure and to experience it, Takemichi have thought of pleasuring himself yet shy and scared to do it.

"Mhmm, Please don't stop." Takemichi moaned when both Wakasa and Shinichiro bite his nipple and clit at the same time while the two are grinning.

"Don't worry Michi, the night is still young."

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