•ೋ°Public Escapade°ೋ•

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Ship: Mitsuya Takashi x Hanagaki Takemichi

Category: Smut, Boypussy Takemichi

(Just want to drop this idea here and yeah a surprise update for you guys💛)


Mitsuya Takashi in the eyes of the others is known as a gentleman. He respects his elder and is kind to kids, especially his sisters who are very fond of his boyfriend.

But there's more to him than meets the eye, and it is very exclusive to Hanagaki Takemichi, his boyfriend who is also a magnet to trouble.

"Where do you want to eat?" Takemichi asked his boyfriend who just smiled before dragging his finger up and down his phone.

Something suddenly makes Takemichi shudder, closing his thighs together before glaring at Takashi who smirks at hos reaction.

Yes Takemichi is wearing a vibrator inside him and Takashi being the sadist he his, put the vibrator on higher mode than what Takemichi can take.

"Your choice love, I'll pay." Takashi answered, lowering the mode making Takemichi sigh, his breathing is heavy though it gets more calmer as the toy inside him also calmed down.

"Takashi, don't do that again." Takemichi firmly said glaring at his boyfriend who only gave him a sly smile before asking a question

"What was I doing?"

The dark haired only sighed again before going into a famous sushi restaurant. Takashi followed him with a smirk and put the toy back into medium level, teasing his boyfriend again.

Takemichi can handle this level, his experience for a year made the vibration durable, knowing that his boyfriend has a public escapade kink. On the other hand, Takashi ordered an all you can eat sushi set, he knows that Takemichi loves to eat all kinds of sushi (made this fact myself/not a true facts).

When the food was served, Takemichi ignored his boyfriend and every sushi infront of him. He noticed his boyfriend is silently watching him with a smile, of coursed he smiled back. Forgetting that he had a vibrator inside of him that suddenly turned into the highest level.

He jolted, the table took his jolt making all the plates clanged. It made some of the customers looked at them wondering what happened or what the commotion was. Takashi lowed the level down, it would be too much if others figured out what happened. And he doesn't want Takemichi to feel humiliated by there escapade. Or it would be stopped from now on.

"I was eating! You're going to ruin my appetite!" Takemichi said with irritation on his voice but got only a chuckle from Takashi.

"Don't worry babe, your appetite will boost later on." He said with a wink, causing a malfunction on Takemichi and leave him red from blushing.

"Shut up! Just eat!"

Though Takashi like Takemichi's reaction, he did not do anything and leave the vibrator on a medium level for the whole time while they eat. But of course Takashi is not Takashi if he doesn't make any horny move to his boyfriend.

He made Takemichi sit beside him as an act of "feeding" him and treating him like his princess. Not until he put his left hand on Takemichi's thigh and went straight to his skirt inserting hi hand in.

It shocked Takemichi but his also too horny to move the hand away and let his boyfriend be, who now inserted his finger inside his pussy. Takashi's pace is normal not giving anyone a clue of what he was doing to his boyfriend.

But Takemichi could give it away easily with his expression that is all showy on his face. "F-faster p-please." Takemichi begged turning Takashi on.

Looking around to see no one is looking at them. Takashi put a bit pressure and made his hand move a bit faster to satisfy his boyfriend.

"Y-yes! I-I-I-I'm close! Please more!" Takemichi whispered loudly for Takashi to hear. His eyes is watery and his mouth keeps on rumbling incoherent words.

"Be quite love or everyone will know your a slut."

"B-but I'm... y-yes t-there!... y-y-your slut."

Takashi gritted his teeth before moving his finger faster and harder in and out of Takemichi's hole. He keep this rhythm until Takemichi cummed with a sigh and exhaustedly put his head in Takashi's shoulder, too exhausted to do anything.

Luckily their at the corner of the restaurant where there's not that much customer, compaired to the other parts of the restaurant.

"Fix yourself love and we'll continue it on the car." Takashi said pulling the vibrator out of Takemichi and licking his boyfriend slick off of the toy.

Takemichi smiled, blushing, before nodding and walked towards the comfort room to fix hisself.

While Takashi on the other hand, called the waiter, who was blushing, and payed off their bills. Seems like someone was intently watching them like a show straight out from a p*rn website.

After Takemichi fixed hisself, he went out of the comfort room, took Takashi's hand and drag his boyfriend towards the underground parking lot.

"Looks like someone is excited." Takashi teased with a smirk.

Takemichi looked back at him before smirking back, his hand making a three and directly placing the circle part infront of his mouth with his tounge out.

"I'm hungry for something."


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