Chapter 3 ~ Short little movie add on

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     "Hey how'd she know we were talking about our senior quotes?" A boy with blonde hair said pointing with his pencil.

"She, probably overheard us talking about it. We were pretty loud," Bella said fixing her hair.


Oriana, Alice, and Jasper had gotten home. Rosalie and Emmett had their own plans, Edward and Bella went to Charlie's station.

"Alice, what'd you see?" Oriana asked her setting down her bag.

"It was nothing to worry about," Alice told her.

"Oh, alright."

"Why don't we put a movie on or something to lighten the mood," Jasper said speeding over to the remote.

Alice's phone rang.

"Hello?" Alice answered.

She was on the phone for not too long.

"It was Edward, him and Bella were getting ready to go over to Jacksonville to see Bella's mom," Alice said putting her phone down.

"How long will they be staying?" Oriana asked.

"About a week," She said.

"Which movie?" Jasper asked.

"Put on Rapunzel! Or Alice in Wonderland!," Alice suggested.

Jasper chuckled.

{I'm assuming that's a replay} Oriana thought to herself.

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