Chapter 36 ~ Charlie

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   Jacob had told Charlie about himself being a wolf. Charlie was about to arrive at the Cullen's house in a few minutes. Everyone tried to teach Bella how to act more human since her father was unaware of the vampire existence.

"These will irritate your eyes at first." Alice said putting in Bella's contacts.

"The main thing is not to move too fast." Carlisle told her.

"Try taking a seat, crossing your legs." Esme suggested.

Bella sped over to the chair.

"Maybe a tad slower." Esme suggested.

Carlisle made the shrinking motion with his finger to go along with what Esme was saying.

"Make sure to blink 3 times a minute." Alice added.

Bella blinked rapidly.

"Good." Alice told her.

Oriana have a slight nod with a half smile.

"For a cartoon character." Jacob replied in response to Alice.

"Hold your breath, it will help with the thirst." Carlisle suggested.

"And don't look him in the eye for too long, also try to get a shady spot just in case the sun comes up." Oriana advised her.

"Just don't forget to move your shoulders so it looks like you're breathing." Edward gave more advise to Bella.

"And don't sit so straight." Rosalie advised.

Bella tried to slump in her chair but instantly got up.

"Okay, I got it." Bella said, "move around, blink, no eye contact, no sun, slouch."

Charlie's car pulled into the driveway.

Everyone was leaving the room.

"Good luck!" Esme said to Bella as she walked out of the room following Carlisle.

Carlisle opened the door for Charlie.

"Hello Charlie." Carlisle greeted.

Charlie took a pause and said, "Where's Bella?"

Carlisle stepped out of the way and escorted Charlie upstairs.

"Hey Bella." Charlie said as he saw her sitting on the couch.

"Hey dad." Bella replied.

"I'll leave you guys to it." Oriana smiled leaving the room.

Edward came downstairs and grabbed Renesmee.

"How's it going?" Oriana asked.

"Oh y'know Jacob told Charlie about him being a wolf. Charlie's going through a tough time." Edward replied.

"And bringing in your 'adopted niece' is going to help?" Oriana crossed her arms.

"He might as well know as much as we can tell him." Edward replied and started heading upstairs.


Charlie left the house.

"He's gotta be hella confused." Oriana stated.

"Well we told him what we could." Edward said.

"Well done Bella, never seen a newborn show that kind of restraint." Jasper congratulated.

"I'm not sure if she is a newborn." Emmett said.

Jasper and Oriana slowly turned their heads towards Emmett.

"She's so.....tame." Emmett antagonized.

"Emmett don't antagonize her." Edward told him, "she's the strongest one in the house."

"Hmph, please." Emmett snorted.

"Ooo do I smell a competition." Oriana smirked.

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