Chapter 23 ~ Beginning Breaking Dawn

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    Bella was trying to work in her heels for the wedding.

"I mean, they fit." Oriana said looking at Bella as she walked in the heels.

" just have to break them!" Alice said trying to cheer up Bella.

"But I have been working them in for 3 days." Bella responded.

"Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asked totally done with breaking in the shoes.

"No! Absolutely not!" Alice shouted.

"Just thinking it's a little much I mean the dress, and the shoes, and," Bella looked around. "All of this."

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect!" Alice said cheerfully.

"This is a wedding Bella, not a camping trip." Oriana said crossing her arms.

"Where do you want them boss?" Emmett asked carrying a large trunk of wood.

"On either side of the isle." Alice responded.

"What isle!?" Rosalie said carrying a tree stump.

"Does no one have vision!?!!" Alice shouted.

Oriana chuckled.

"I should go help them," Oriana said to Bella.

Alice walked back up the steps and towards Bella, "You, get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order."

Bella had left the wedding area and Alice was telling each vampire where things were supposed to go.

"This?" Oriana asked holding up and log.

"Is the isle to the right!" Alice called checking stuff off her list.

It went on for a few hours and the wedding was almost set. All that was needed were the bride and groom.


Jasper and Emmett left the house to go fetch Edward for his Bachelor party.

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