Chapter 42 ~ Back at Home

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    Carlisle, Esme, and Oriana finally arrived back at home. Oriana had her hopes up that Alice and Jasper would be back.

"How many came?" Carlisle asked walking over to Bella and Edward.

"Eighteen." They replied.

"You have some good friends." Edward complimented.

"And Alice?" Esme asked.

"Jasper?" Oriana added.

Bella shook her head "no."

Oriana looked like all her hopes dropped. Sadly, they did.

Esme hugged Oriana and Bella to try and cheer them up.

"Well we'll all be on Aro's list now," Alistair complained, "centuries on the run that's what you've brought me. Some friend, Carlisle."

"Alistair, come meet everyone." Carlisle said with a smile on his face.

"I've already told you if it comes to a fight, I won't stand against the Volturi." Alistair made himself clear.

"It won't come to a fight." Carlisle assured him.

"I'll be in the attic." Alistair said leaping on top of the house and going in through a window.

"He's not a people person." Esme told Bella.

"Very, self-operated." Oriana added walking inside the house.

The house was filled with vampires.

Oriana walked past so many red eyes. She had never seen so many vampires all gathered together in one place before.

She managed to get upstairs and unload her things in her bedroom.

She laid on her relaxing area near the windowsill with Alice's picture in her hands.

She held it close to her heart and pleaded for Alice and Jasper to come back.

"Alice if it's my fault that you left I am so, so, so sorry. Please, just come back. I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you. You helped me hunt, you helped me blend in with humans, you even helped me style myself. You are my comfort person, the person I can rely on, the person that makes me feel like I'm not isolated from everyone else." She cried miserably.

"When Edward killed Vivi I felt like he should have done it to me too. If she's not going to be here anymore and neither are you and Jasper, then what's the point? Victoria is my sister, my family, the person that was here since day 1. Now there are no more days to go. There is no more Victoria Sutherland. There is no more Oriana and Victoria. There is no more Ori and Vivi." She cried with her head laying against the cushion and her hand clutched on the photo.

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