Chapter 31 ~ The Wolf Fight

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Oriana left her room as soon as she heard Edward screaming.

She found Rosalie playing with a baby.

"Is that?" Oriana asked not able to finish her sentence.

"Mhm." Rosalie said firmly holding the baby.

"So that means...."

"Alice! Jasper! Oriana!" Edward called from another room.

Oriana sped out of the room to find Edward.

The four of them ran out of the house to see the wolf pack surrounding the house.

"Oh d@mn...." Oriana gulped.

"We're outnumbered." Jasper said.

"By a lot." Alice added.

"If there's one thing I've done with Victoria way too many times it's fight groups outnumbered." Oriana said getting her fists ready.

"I won't let them hurt my family." Edward added.

The wolves ran at the 4 of them.

Oriana climbed up a tree and broke off a branch.

She looked for a wolf that wasn't fighting much and wasn't occupied.

"Take 'em down little by little." Oriana whispered as she jumped down and stuck the branch in the wolf's mouth and pulled it back from behind. She kicked the wolf's legs and shoved him into a thorn bush making him come out weak. The wolf couldn't bite the branch due to splinters near the mouth.

Oriana ran and threw wolf into a tree.

She noticed Alice fighting a wolf while laying on the ground.

She ran over and ripped a part of a thorn bush and used it in a bat like way to hit the wolf in the face and kick it into a tree.

Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett joined the fight too.

One of the wolves that was helping the Cullens took care of the rest of that wolf.

Jasper was punching wolves left and right.

Jacob jumped out of the window and yelled at one of the wolves, "Stop! It's over!"

"If you kill her, you kill me!" Jacob yelled.

Jacob turned into a wolf and was ready to protect at any cost.

"Jacob imprinted." Edward said.

Oriana went wide eyed.

"There's only one person he hasn't seen before since today....." Oriana said worried.

"They can't hurt her....." Edward replied.

"Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed." Edward continued, "It's their most absolute law."

The wolves left.

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