Chapter 13 ~ Graduation Party

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It was the graduation party at the Cullen's house.

Oriana was talking with Alice and Jasper until the air smelled of wet dog.

"Dogs are here," Oriana said holding her breath.

Oriana, Alice and Jasper were walking down the stairs until Alice stopped and her face went blank.

"Alice?" Oriana asked and walked in front of her.

"I'll be right back," Bella told the wolves and headed towards Oriana and Alice. Jasper had gone to get another drink.

"Alice what'd you see?" Bella asked.

"The decisions been made." Alice had a worried look in her face.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked.

"None of your business dog." Oriana glared.

"Actually it is-" Jake shouted back but Bella stopped him.

"Guys, not right now." Bella said.

"You're not going to Seattle?" Bella asked putting her arm down from stopping Jake.

Alice shook her head 'no.'

"They're coming here." Alice finished.

"They're what!?" Oriana blurted out.

The music was so loud it sounded like a tone just a bit higher than a whisper


"They'll be here in 4 days," Alice assured them.

"This could turn into a blood bath." Carlisle said.

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized."

"Maybe one."

"I know his face," Edward said reading Alice's mind.

"He's local, Riley Biers."

"He didn't start this." Edward finished.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action." Alice told them.

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your visions." Carlisle guessed.

"By the way there aren't enough of us to protect the town." Jasper said.

"Hold up what damn army?" Jacob asked.

"The newborn army you dingbat." Oriana said to him.

"Our kind," Carlisle finished.

"What are they after?" One of the wolves asked.

"Jacob's imaginary girlfriend," Oriana said smirking.

One of the wolves put his fist to his mouth as if he was about to cough with his mouth saying a silent "oooo."

"They were passing around Bella's scent, a red blouse." Alice said recalling what she saw.

"They're after Bella!?" Jacob asked.

"I literally said-" Oriana said getting cut off.

"Oh shut up," Jacob said cutting her off.

"What does this mean exactly?" He asked.

"It means an ugly fight...with lives lost." Carlisle said looking up at Jake.

Jacob looked around to the other wolves.

"Alright, we're in."

"No, you'd get yourselves killed no way!?" Bella said trying to convince him to not go.

"I wasn't asking for permission." Jacob told her.

"Edward..." Bella turned to him. She wanted him to tell the wolves they couldn't participate.

"It means more protection for you." Edward told her.

"Jacob, do you think Sam would agree understanding?" Carlisle asked.

"As long as we get to kill some vampires." Jacob said turning his head.

"Jasper?" Carlisle asked.

"They'll give us the numbers." Jasper said looking at Carlisle, "Newborns won't know they even'll give us an edge."

"We'll need to coordinate," Carlisle said getting up.

"What no! Carlisle! They'll get themselves hurt." Bella said trying to convince him its not a good idea.

"We'll all need training, fighting newborns is a lot of work." He said, "You're welcome to join us." He said to Jacob and the werewolves.

"Alright, name the time and place." Jacob looked convinced.

"Jake, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." Bella said to him.

"Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy." He told her.

{Yea, she seems thrilled.} Oriana thought.

"Look at us working together, you are the one who wanted us to get along....remember?" Jacob taunted.

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