Chapter 38 ~ Immortal Children

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    Bella and Edward got a note from the Volturi congratulating them. They mainly were happy because Bella was a vampire now. Although, they still wanted proof she was a vampire for sure. Renesmee was growing non-stop. It was like 2 years had gone by in 4 weeks. Everyone was worried about how long she was going to stay with them.

Edward was playing the piano with Renesmee as the family was gathered in the room.

Alice stopped in her tracks while trying to enter the room.

She dropped the glass vase with flowers inside.

It shattered onto the floor, glass flying everywhere.

Jasper and Oriana sped over to Alice.

Everyone got up out of their seats.

"What is it?" Oriana whispered.

"The Volturi, they're coming for us." Alice said troubled, "Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard...and Irina."

{ Not to mention Jane as well..." Oriana thought recalling all her memories.

"Honey come here." Bella motioned to Renesmee.

"Why?" Carlisle asked.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Edward asked.

"We were just walking." Bella said confused.

"Ness was catching snowflakes." Jacob added.

"Of course..." Edward said knowing what Irina thought.

"Irina thinks Renesmee's an Immortal Child." Oriana said the same time as Edward.

Renesmee looked frightened.

"It only makes sense, she only saw Renesmee catching snowflakes. I mean she grows everyday." Oriana pointed out.

"No offense Remy." Oriana added.

Oriana gave Renesmee the nickname "Remy" since she didn't want to say a mouthful all the time. She created her own since she didn't want to use the same ones as Jacob.


"Immortal children were very beautiful..." Carlisle started narrating the story of The Immortal Children, "To be near them was to love them, but their development was frozen the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation. Stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene..."

Oriana imagined Jane walking over to an immortal child.

She had multiple flashbacks to when she and Jane were little kids. It all started out well until it all went downhill.

Carlisle continued with his story, "Since the children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed. Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart. Countless humans, slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even families. Lost."

"So, the Denalis' mother made an Immortal Child?" Bella asked.

"Yes," Carlisle answered, "And she payed the price."

"Well Renesmee is nothing like those children." Bella argued, "she was born not bitten she grows every single day."

"Are you sure Irina isn't just driven by sorrow, guilt, and devastation?" Oriana asked.

"Even if she is she's already told the Volturi what she saw." Carlisle said.

"So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah! That will be a nice conversation, ahem, oh Volturi I am desperately sorry, you misunderstood
Renesmee. Please take this apology." Oriana taunted, "like honestly."

"Well I didn't mean it that way." Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts anyway." Edward interrupted.

Jacob slightly shook his head rapidly, "so we fight."

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful. No one can stand against Jane." Jasper added.

"Alec's even worse." Alice added onto Jasper's comment.

"And Jane's like a puppet to Aro. Not to mention her by herself." Oriana said mainly to herself but also to everyone else in the room.

"Well, then we convince them." Bella shouted.

"They're coming to kill us, not to talk." Emmett responded.

"He's got a point." Oriana said.

"Agreed." Edward said to both Oriana and Emmett.

"They won't listen to us, but maybe others can convince them. Carlisle you have friends all around the world." Edward pointed out.

"I won't ask them to fight." Carlisle made himself very clear.

"Not fight. Witness." Edward told him.

"I like where this is going." Oriana gave a small smile.

"If enough people know the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen." Edward explained.

Esme grabbed onto Carlisle's arm and slowly shook him, " we can ask this of our friends."

Carlisle placed his hand on Esme's and slightly nodded.

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