Chapter 48 ~ Last Chapter

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Everyone was back home now, Alice and Jasper included. Oriana was so happy to have Alice and Jasper back. Everyone was saying goodbye to the witnesses and hoping they make it home safe. Renesmee was properly meeting everyone and showing them her gift. Bella and Edward were relieved there would be no more fights against the Volturi or anymore battles.

"Alice," Oriana said walking up to her.

"Yes?" Alice replied.

Oriana just walked over and hugged her.

She quietly whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too Oriana." Alice replied hugging her back.


Other Ending

(If you prefer)

Everyone was back home now, Alice and Jasper included. Oriana was so happy to have Alice and Jasper back. Everyone was saying goodbye to the witnesses and hoping they make it home safe. Renesmee was properly meeting everyone and showing them her gift. Bella and Edward were relieved there would be no more fights against the Volturi or anymore battles.

"Oriana," Alice called.

"Yes?" She replied walking towards Alice.

"You saw what I saw during 'the battle'." Alice looked confused.

"Yeah," Oriana replied, "I saw myself die."

"But my question is how, Jane was killing me then I got up off the ground and you fell towards it. You died but I came back. How is that possible?" She asked.

"I'm not sure how, but I gave up my life for you. I gave you everything I had so you could survive." Oriana said with a slight smile.

"But why?" Alice asked.

"Because you are the reason I'm here right now."  Oriana smiled.

"You're my best friend and I wouldn't be able to survive without you." Oriana hugged Alice and felt like she'd never stop.

Alice hugged Oriana back, "I missed you Oriana."

"I missed you too, Alice." Oriana had never felt so much affection in her 452 years of living.

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