Chapter 29 ~ Blood

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    Oriana and Alice stayed in her room for about 15 minutes.

"You feel ready to go downstairs?" Alice asked moving the hair out of Oriana's face.

"Yeah." She replied.

When they got downstairs Emmett and Jasper were watching t.v.

"Hey!" Jasper said with enthusiasm.

"Hey," Emmett said turning around resting his arm on the top of the couch.

Alice and Oriana sat down but just as they did Rosalie came in the room with Bella.

She looked frail and could hardly stand. They carefully placed her on the couch.

"Are you cold?" Edward asked.

Bella muttered a noise sounding like "yes" and nodded her head.

"I got it." Jacob said scooting closer to Bella.

Oriana glared at the dog as she watched him.

Bella smiled while she put her hand against Jacob's.

"Don't do that." Jacob told her.

"What?" Bella asked.

"Smile like I'm your favorite person in the world." He replied.

"You're one of them." Bella whispered to him.

"Feels complete when you're here, Jake." Bella whispered to him getting comfortable.

Oriana got up and was ready to walk away but Alice grabbed her hand.

"Please, don't go." She whispered in a way that sounded like she was forcing her to stay.

Bella tried to roll over but was in pain. Edward grabbed a big container for Bella to puke in. She didn't have anything to puke up though. She had no food in her body.

"We need to find a way to get some food into her system." Esme insisted.

"If I could only see the fetus-"

"The baby." Rosalie interrupted correcting her.

"Maybe I could figure out what it wants." Alice said continuing her sentence.

There was silence for 15 seconds until Edward spoke up.

"I think you might be right." Edward said out of nowhere.

"Who's right?" Oriana asked leaning forward.

"Jacob just had an idea." Edward replied.

{Lost interest.} Oriana thought to herself leaning back.

"It wasn't an idea, it was a snide comment." Jacob corrected him.

"What were you thinking?" Carlisle asked.

{Get to the point.} Oriana thought looking at the ceiling.

"That it's probably looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." Jacob replied.

Everyone looked over at Jacob.

Oriana grunted.

Emmett looked like his mouth started watering.

"He's thirsty." Bella said holding her stomach.

Oriana got up and sped out of the room.

"I know the feeling." Emmett said.

All he could think about was sinking his teeth into something.

"She's not the brightest right now.." Alice whispered.

"If it's craving it's not going to want animal blood." Edward commented.

"I have some O negative laid aside for Bella.

Alice got up and took Jasper's hands, "walk with me."

Alice and Jasper left the room.

"Oriana?" Alice asked.

She turned her head and saw both Alice and Jasper.

"Come with us real quick." She said holding out her hand.

Oriana walked towards Alice and took her hand.

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