Chapter 15 ~ Covering Bella's Scent

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    Jasper was sharing his backstory to Bella. Oriana was lurking in the trees and sat on one of the branches above Bella and Jasper.

"I could feel everything they felt." Jasper whimpered.

"I thought what Maria and I had was love, but I was her puppet. She pulled the strings, I didn't know there was another way....till I found Alice. Oh, she saw me coming of course." Jasper narrated.

"Kept me waiting long enough." Alice said coming in.

"My apologies ma'am," Jasper said in a southern accent.

"I don't know what I've become without her." Jasper said.

"Shhhh, you never have to be that again." Alice comforted him.

They kissed again.

Oriana had a tear running down her face. She wiped it off and sniffled.


Oriana came with Jasper to where the fight would take place.

They waited not too long till Edward got there with Bella.

"You're not fighting? What did you pull a muscle or something?" Jacob said coming in from the trees.

"He's doing this for me ok?" Bella replied.

"Whatever," Jacob said annoyed.

"Just tell me the plan."

"These fields will give us an advantage in the battle, we need to lure them here with Bella's scent. It needs to end here." Jasper explained.

"Edward and I are going to a campsite, even if he carries me they'll still pick up on our scent."

"Your stench however is revolting," Edward told him.

"Dude you really don't want to be comparing stinks." Jacob said p!ssed.

"What he means is your scent will mask mine if you carry me," Bella said stepping in.

"Done," Jacob said.

"Awww does the little wolfy wanna carry his crushy?" Oriana taunted.

"What about Redheaded bloodsucker 2.0?" Jacob asked p!ssed.

"I'm going with Bella and Edward to the campsite to see if I can negotiate with Victoria."

"Great," Jake said in sarcasm.

"This isn't a good idea," Edward said as Jacob was about to pick up Bella.

"Edward, they won't want to get anywhere near his....odor." Jasper said in the least harmful way possible.

"Let's just try it," Bella said as Jacob picked her up.

"Odor of a wolf coming up," Jacob said.

"Run." Edward told him.

Oriana ran with Jasper to see if they could pick up Bella's scent.

"My nose would be bleeding right now if I was human," She complained.

"They do stink," Jasper agreed.

They headed back to Edward.

"All I picked up was wolf stench," Jasper said walking with Oriana out of the woods, "No Bella."

Edward gave a slight nod but was glaring.

"This will work," Jasper said to him.

"Great." Edward replied.

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